2015/08/23 12:53:53
Saw in today's Greensburg Trib Review that Pymie has and is anticipating an even greater hydrilla problem. Apparently 10 acres of it was treated earlier this year near the emergency spillway in Jamestown and another 60 acre patch was identified near the Linesville boat launch. I kept reading to get to what I assumed was coming...and there it was...in the next to last paragraph. The estimated cost to deal with it was $263,000. According to a Dan Bickel, "we don't have a dime to treat it yet." I don't know Dan Bickel and this is the first I've heard about this plant being at Pymie. It was described as a non native plant and invasive species, but the article also stated that, if untreated, its not out of the realm of possibility that it could cover the surface of the entire lake. I read that the Linesville boat launch is going to be receiving attention in the near future, wonder if this will interfere?
2015/08/23 15:25:08
This web sight list aquatic plants.  Not a bad sight for anyone wishing to identify many of the aquatic plants you might see while fishing or untangle from your prop.
2015/08/23 15:32:36
Part of the reno for Linesville includes dredging the area.  During the summer if you are using the launch or docks you probably only have two to three feet of water underneath you.  The little bay area beside the launch is loaded with lilies and I'm sure they will address that.  Sadly, there are no plans to put more ramps in, only to lessen the grade of the existing ramps, which I think is silly.
2015/08/24 15:50:09
There's a Facebook page for Jamestown that was talking about this last week and a DCNR guy posted what the state was doing to try to control the hydrilla. That's when I suggested that someone come up with a recipe for Hydrilla salad with a Balsamic vinaigrette. I then asked for volunteers to taste my creation. They all thought I was nuts. Maybe I am, but I did look it up and Hydrilla is edible but not appetizing due to little tiny spike at the ends of the leaves. I also found that there is a market for dried and pulverized Hydrilla that is sold into the food supplement market. From what I remember it is high in calcium. 
Anyone here want to be a salad taster?
Roy :)
2015/08/24 23:05:58
I volunteer Zelie Sam..................

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