On saturday, with the exception of Uglyfish, some guys in a driftboat throwing plugs, and a few Spey guys, I saw absolutely no one trying to fish legally. Most were ripping away or attempting to floss with mega-weight, accompanied by the end- of- drift- rip. . Lots standing and looking, waiting to rip. A couple chasing, as they had put the hooks for a brief moment, supposedly, into one lone runner they trapped against a shallow ledge.
It reminds me of Sioux running buffalo off a cliff or paintings of Neanderthals with spears chasing wooly mammoths. It has as much to do with sport as child abuse and wife beating has to do with football.
I can remember when I went with a bunch of loggers from the daks in the 80's what it was like. It's a mindset that's fueled by testosterone, adrenaline and alcohol. That's not always a bad thing, by any means, but the herd mentality of the snaggers is a hard thing to take for those who really love to fish and see it as a sport to be treated with respect and dignity. Salmon snagging is more a male bonding, primitive rite. BB, I can't imagine what you go through working there. Just take comfort in the fact you might influence a few people a season. Not much of a victory, but a victory nonetheless.