2014/09/16 19:09:29
hot tuna
I would go low Friday John, my gut tells me its gonna happen big time on Friday or sat.
The estuary guys ARE gonna push fish up on sat
2014/09/16 19:32:08
Tunes, I really don't fish low anymore the crowds kill all enjoyment for me. However pulling some spoons from the driftboat in the estuary does draw my interest;) Only time will tell.
2014/09/16 19:41:21
hot tuna
If the weather and winds are fair then launch that row boat right in pine grove.
The estuary is funky though. Shallow , slow and lots of eel grass to foul them plugs ( which must be single hook )
If you got a kicker or feel very rowey ( non word ) then plug away right in front of the lighthouse.
If you feel like just chilling and throwing a tight line with floating sacks there are a few holes in the estuary I could point you to.
Wish I was fishing Friday !!
2014/09/17 10:02:30
There you did it tuna... I thought I felt some rumbling this morning...came to find a 5000 man army walking north on rt. 11 all armed with donkey sticks with short strips of whipping leather with treble hooks on the end!!!! Lol!!!

Guys no fish yet... Quite a few guys in town thus morning... But no fish!!!
2014/09/17 10:20:36
hot tuna
Knew I catch something even if it is only suckers. Lol
Ok, ok. I retract that prediction with a new one.
There will be NO salmon run in 2014. The lake reports were dismal this year which was a result of a massive winter kill from 80% of the Great Lake freezing over.
Sure a fish here a fish there but totally not worth the gas money
2014/09/17 12:59:16
That's why I was targeting chubs on Saturday. Don't let the word get out they're stacked up in all holes throughout the river
2014/09/17 17:01:53
I heard it was the steelfaces that took a beating this winter.
Not even worth the trip after Oct 1 or so.
2014/09/17 17:36:46
Boy, I ain't familiar with big boys toys. We had a drift boat go by us on Sat. down in the wire.
I thought about the big plugs they had dangling and now realize they were big freakin J-plugs and were all set to rip a hurtin' on anything they spotted.  I thought they were hotshots at first , but looked a lot different in retrospect.  I was wondering why they were drifting and looking rather than casting. Man, anybody want to sell me a bridge?
UF out-chubbed me Sat. , I got a steenkin' smallmouth to ruin my count. I'm bringin' the 1 wt. next trip. Maybe the chubs and smallies will hang around until Jan.
2014/09/17 20:42:50
Between the chubs, smallies and Atlantic parr its an anglers paradise!!!
2014/09/17 20:43:59
In all honesty its pretty darn late for a smallie. Latest I caught was first week of September or so... Usually stop targeting them by mid august though

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