2014/09/15 19:44:12
A few slow seasons won't deter the masses from trekking to the best salmon stream on the lower 48.
2014/09/15 21:01:05
From the reports I get from friends that fish  the Manistee and Muskegon, a few folks would beg to differ Mr. Azzhat troll.
2014/09/15 21:13:23
hot tuna
Sept 20 2014 there will be a huge run of kings followed by massive amounts of coho tues or weds (23-24).
Those hoes always run mid week :)
2014/09/15 22:20:36
i'll book it. thanks for the intel HT
2014/09/16 05:33:38
That's some funny stuff Charlie!
2014/09/16 07:31:55
Reports say the water temperature is still mid 60's.  The fish will not run until it gets colder, but with the nite time temps, this should be soon.  The Gennie is below 100 cfs and the temp yesterday was 62, so we may see nearly simultaneous runs in all these rivers this fall.  The fish have been nosing around the mouth of the Gennie for 2 weeks now, but the thermal barrier keeps them in the lake.
Noone went up to LFZ for the opener yesterday? 
2014/09/16 07:42:11
I've seen some very large runs occur when water temps were in the 70's.... Just sayin...
2014/09/16 08:08:57
Saturday we didnt see any fish the only thing we saw off the bridge was a set of car keys. No fish action,jumping notta. But we did run into the name why it is call the red light district. Lots of change to the kiddie pool like fichy stated earlier.
2014/09/16 14:50:21
Reports say the water temperature is still mid 60's.  The fish will not run until it gets colder, but with the nite time temps, this should be soon.  The Gennie is below 100 cfs and the temp yesterday was 62, so we may see nearly simultaneous runs in all these rivers this fall.  The fish have been nosing around the mouth of the Gennie for 2 weeks now, but the thermal barrier keeps them in the lake.
Noone went up to LFZ for the opener yesterday? 

I was there today.
Fished till about 11.
One solid pull I missed one pluck that coulda been fallfish since I was fishing a 7x long #2 streamer all day and it wouldn't fit well in a fallfish mouth and a nice grab I hooked and had come off after 10 seconds.
Saw fish rolling every now and then.
Saw mostly dark horses but the one I had on was puter bright and I saw a  couple more like that and a couple rustbows.
Only other hookups I saw were a fallfish and some foulies.
2014/09/16 18:53:47
Same camper got tired of blanks in the river and got a charter today, got 3 hoes and two kings from what my cut guy was telling me over saws a blazing. In the air about Friday now.

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