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FishSalmonRiver.com Discussion Board
2014/09/10 16:32:18
Hello all. What are the best brands of hooks to use up there for the kings and what size? I asked a guy who was catching a lot last year and i was shocked at how small the were. Also, have you ever heard of a website overstockbait.com? If so, any luck?
2014/09/10 16:45:35
Clint S
Size of hooks depends on what you are putting on them. What are you going to be using for bait. I usually use #4s for comets or streamers , #6 for estaz eggs and 8,10,12's for eggs, nymphs and stone flies.
2014/09/10 16:48:41
Thx. I would say mainly eggs, and egg sacks. What brands are good? People always talk about cheap hooks that will bend. I would prefer to avoid that if i can.
2014/09/10 17:19:12
Mustad hooks are very good for the money,I use them with no problems.
2014/09/10 18:03:38
Clint S
Yes I use Mustad mostly. 37132 for alot of stuff $10 for 100 is a good 2x strong egg hook. I even use it for a few nymphs even though it technically is not a nymph hook. The other Mustad are the signature series co68 for eggs and nymphs. 3906b for nymphs and stones. They are 6.99$ for 50. Daiichi also makes good hooks they are $5 for 25. Don't tell anyone, but I also buy those cheap ''all purpose'' hooks at Wally world to make estaz eggs with especially when I am taking my nephew as he loses a ton of flies. NEVER had one bend or break even on kings they are 20 for $1.50 I think.
2014/09/10 19:31:44
Your secret is safe with me.....and the rest of this forum.
2014/09/10 20:04:06
I use Mustad, Daiichi and Tiemco on my flies. Mustad being the most economical followed by Daiichi then Tiemco.
I have had hooks bend and on occasion break but too few to not use that brand hook.
2014/09/11 07:29:11
i use the gamagatzu size 4 live bait circle hooks for kings...very sharp and never had one bend
2014/09/11 08:07:01
Mustad and Blackbirds 4s and 6s. Stay away from owner's egg hook, I used them once and broke them on fish multiple times. Mind you I don't know if they were 2x.
2014/09/11 17:10:29
I stick with the mustads, 4 or 6 to 10 for eggs flies, 6 to 10 for wets and nymphs. I like Gami Octopus hooks, they are dangerously sharp, but I find that the rocky salmon river eats up the points.
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