2014/09/06 11:04:05
Clint S
It's alot easier losing a fly that cost 15 to 20 cents to tie than one that cost a buck or two. The one place I fish has a ton of snags and on a few days I have lost 10 plus flies in a whole day fishing counting ones broke off on fish. Fish with my nephew and that could get expensive fast. But it is all about time and I am not fast at it, sometimes it is easier to buy a few if that's what you have to do
2014/09/06 11:22:48
Always be sure of the hook quality in store bought flies.
The ones the shops near the SR usually are fine but internet may be a problem.
2014/09/06 11:28:05
I've bought in the past from the same sellers with luck but I know there are plenty of guys out there sell cheap flies to make a profit
2014/09/06 11:28:59
hot tuna
I'm pretty set except I need to tie a few wolly buggers in size 6 & 4.
I know Jack directed me to an online place where they were pretty cheap and decent hooks. .75 for a bead head wooly leech.
The fly stop . Com.
I like tying myself though
2014/09/08 06:53:52
Nice story john .. 75 cents is cheap but 5-20 is much cheaper and more rewarding...
2014/09/08 07:34:16
I don't believe you can buy a quality hook to tie on for a nickel anymore.  Hook and rest of materials, you've likely got a quarter in anything more complicated than a glo bug.
2014/09/08 08:08:39
Clint S
Unless you are like Dime and have a stockpile of hooks bought by the gross from a while back😁😁😁
Most of my hooks are costing 10 to 15 cents a piece. I try to be frugal with my material. Skeins of yarn, craft store feathers, even harvesting feathers from our chickens.
2014/09/08 09:45:20
You pinned the tail right on the donkey clint ;) I have hooks that had cost about a penny each that we bought about 8,000 of close to ten years ago... I also have old mustards and tiemcos that still have smoke house price tags on them as well as kitterymaine trading post from back in 1991... Unfortunately my son has put a major hurting on them in the past year with his backyard bullhead adventures... The biggest hit were some partridge dry fly and wet fly hooks in #2 and #4 for traditional Atlantic patterns from back when they were well under a dollar a piece
2014/09/08 09:48:17
How about rooster and hen necks chenilles jungle cocks... Foxes... Buck tails dubbing...and all other types of fun stuff from close to 30 years of collection... That's the beauty of tying material... Its an art that can tell a story
2014/09/08 11:46:21
went for a 3 hr ride up to the river fri to hot to fish looked around saw one fish battle going on but that was it  headed home at 1300 3 hr ride felt good just the be up on the river going next week for 3 days hope the fish will be moving in

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