2015/12/08 10:50:51
The Ref
I was fishing below the pymatunning outflow last weekend. Didn't do any good btw but was talking with this older fellow and he was saying that the water was to low for the fish to get up to where we were. He said there is some type of obstruction or gate that they can't get over or past. It was hard for me to understand him because we were on opposite sides of the river. Does anyone know about this and where it's at along the river.
2015/12/09 15:35:36
I agree the river is low but I'm unaware of any major obstruction from Shenango Lake up river to Pymatuning. Never ever heard of anything blocking fish migration along that stretch .Maybe someone who has canoed it or floated it knows something new.
2015/12/09 15:42:37
^ What Capt. said..........other than shallow riffles and whatnot(which doesn't really block fish movement) there aren't any obstructions between the two lakes. That I'm aware of. And none appear on satellite images either....
2015/12/09 19:08:26
He must be talking about the gates on the Weir. I'm not positive on this maybe somebody could clear this up. I was told years ago that there are gates on the weir (overflow system) for the lake. Every now and then they open or raise the gates for whatever reason possibly cleaning debris and any fish can be washed onto the river system below. They said Walleye along with other fish will wash into the river below giving fishermen a lake stocking of sorts. I guess the longer the gates are open the better the fishing is below in the river. I don't know if this has any truth to it, but I heard this many years ago. I know the lake is low right now while they are working on the dam. 
2015/12/09 21:41:04
The Ref
I'm with you Captain I've never heard of any obstruction but I'm not as familiar with the river as some of you guys. This fellow did say what I originally posted. He definitely did say that the fish can't get up river though.
2015/12/09 23:02:07
Might it be something to do with the construction taking place on the Causeway?  Just thinking.............
2015/12/10 08:17:15
One would think that maybe there would be good fishing below that obstruction if it was accessible to get at. That stretch you are fishing Ref use to be prime fishing for Walleye in it's day ,but it has been slowing down the past few years. I don't fish it as much too so maybe it's still half decent and I just don't know. Just doesn't seem to hold Walleye like the past.
2015/12/10 10:08:01
The Ref
Yeah it's not that good any more, every now and then you get a few keepers. A few weeks ago I got two shorties that were around 12". I'll be up there this weekend and i'll probably give french creek a try. I may even give the lake a shot wading one evening.
I looked back at the Commish wed site on past stockings for the Upper Shenango and they haven't stocked any eyes in there in mant years. Thats another good fishery they let go to crap!
2015/12/10 12:18:06
Did you say keepers ! Be careful using the "K" word. !  Yes they haven't and it is a shame but I'll probably get accused of fishing that out too ! I guess if you keep some Walleye to eat and have family and friends over for a fish fry once a year your a fishing hoe ! LMAO ....  
Nice water too...........

2015/12/10 12:40:21

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