A lot of thoughts here from someone ( myself ) who has not seen the river.
Could it be a sparse number of salmon then previous ?
The lake reports I have been givin and found on my outings have indicated fewer mature salmon . Lots of alewives and some say too much out there. Hence they ( boaters ) want increased chinook stockings, all this due to a down season mind you .
Again in my adventures out there I found the kings sparse , the one steelhead we caught had a full belly of emeralds , and it was a small fish. The boaters did well on trout , bows & browns, maybe to well ?
I don't think the trout will go hungry as to L-13 pointed out on fat reserves or the fact of the amass of caddis, stonefly in the river. Once they make it to that critical stage ( close to spawn) the salmon smolts and other minnows will fill the slot per and spring to keep them healthy. The only unhealthy ones will be on ropes, coolers and grills.
My hope is that folks get their fill of salmon kicks for the year and leave the trout for the next guy.
I'm looking forward to a Holloween adventure and my last vacation day will be spent 11/10 for a few days during vets .
Good luck to all that weta line, I'm back to sawdust before much needed sleep .