2014/10/04 20:29:32
Clint S
Just got confirmation that it was on in the DSR today . The first big push has come.
2014/10/04 20:56:15
ALRIGHT........I'm on my way!!

Wait...... what......... wrong board??...... heh heh...... sorry.... thought Clint was talking about the eyes of Pymie.:-\

2014/10/04 21:07:22
I hope all the slob lifters that have been crowding the LFZ go down river to the town pool and ball park and stay there!
2014/10/04 22:03:14
hot tuna
Gonna miss it . May those fish all frequent the secret spot just for pafisher ..
2014/10/04 22:13:49
Gonna wait  a few days till they get above the conga lines.
2014/10/05 07:38:59
Clint S
DSR post confirms that they ran pretty good. Dime's post on the Facebook did not state a huge run, but they were into fish.
2014/10/05 08:30:36
Jack paid a little dues and now for the payoff.  They still may be trickling in the end of the month , along with some more trout. Good luck to all who make it out this round.  I hope some keep trickling in and spread fish throughout the river.
2014/10/05 09:01:13
Hope the fish  continue like ya say Charlie. Would be nice to have some cold water upriver kings into Nov.
Hope all you fisherfolks can get up and have some decent fishing.
Might be that a lot of unfortunate folks have already used their vacation time and after a couple of weeks it isn't as crowded as during an earlier run.
Report says they are still coming in this  morning.( likely ran all night IMHO)
Good luck-----
2014/10/05 17:35:00
Good luck this week jack give them hell. Clint enjoy the last week off wish I could be there but back to reality for me till next month
2014/10/05 19:51:10
Clint S
Well the DSR reported a slow in action today.
It was on as far as getting stuff done today. Got my 15th cord of wood in, just need my emergency 2 stacked and I am set.
Plow truck from hell hit me today. Smog pump seized and shredded the belt. Need to take the alternator off to change it. Bolt head stripped out. Welded multiple nuts on and it finally broke off. ENDED UP CUTTING THE ALTERNATOR OFF with a sawzall. On to the smog pump, same scenario, bolts stripped and broke CUT THAT THING OFF TOO.  Took the aluminum bracket off that holds it all on with all the broken bolts in it.  Buddy will take it to work and heat it with a torch and try to save it, if not need a new one. Hopefully I can reroute the belt to eliminate the pump. Hate putting money in it, but the driveway will not clear itself. My buddy did all the heavy stuff so he bailed me out big time.

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