2014/10/05 09:55:03
hot tuna
Hope to share some trout water together . .. Remember brown town is coming up and might suite some of us just fine now

Seems to be some good movement from them already. I'm hoping.   Be great to  make some more  memories. Sorry you couldn't make this round, but you would have been a little turned off.  Save your time for the really good stuff. 
When I was on the coast, I had another wonderful  Orvis wading gear failure. This time a pair of boots that are a year old went the way of the waders that were a year old. A sole peeled off and is totally unfixable. Of course it happened with fish in front of me and I was standing in clam mud and had to abandon ship.  These were freebies that acted as a replacement for the horrible failure of their Boggs bootfoot disaster. I went to a great shop on the coast of Maine and bought some Simms boots as a replacement. Last pair of those lasted me 3 years, or about 200 or so days. I walk a lot, so they get USED.
My Simms G3's are still going after 6 years and have had one tiny leak I repaired 2 years ago. I bought the Orvis bootfoots because they were designed to be warmer in the winter. I bought the boots this time a size  larger for more circulation room. I know I could go into Orvis and get another replacement from my friends with no questions asked, but I figure there's no use.  I really need to rely on good waders in the winter and when I travel, not so much now. Still annoying to have your **** soaked out and a wet wallet from waders that are a year old and were priced over 300. Or the boots at 179.  Maybe there's something to be said for Made in America. Simms just plain rocks.  I have nothing against a lot of the cheaper brands of waders. It's the expensive ones that perform no better than them at 3 times the price that gets to me. 
      Friday morning Jailwater had a total of 10 cars in all the lots combined at 4:30.
That kind of numbers won't even pay for the fence. Must be nice to have the  wherwithal to lose money like that and the political pull to wriggle out when you need to. I think HT's prediction will stick just like the name he gave them. The SR is not going to be the Miramichi or the Skeena any time soon , which means I can keep fishing it. On Jack's recommendation we ate at Eddy's one night (we've gone their about 6 times, now) and the food was great and low priced. We ate early, and it was filled with locals. That tell you something?  If you want to make a joke about them having no taste you can stick it.....
2014/10/05 12:25:01
Going to be pist if I hook up salmon on Tues.
I'm fishing for trout from now on.
Hope I can put up with the aszhats lower down.
At least I got good practice putting up with them in the lfz this year.
2014/10/05 13:55:24
I see where lifting is now referred to as "bottom bouncing with estaz" on the Douglaston site.  Too late for me to get a day for this week, but I may try for the following week, although I 'm off Monday.
2014/10/05 14:47:07
hot tuna
Another great read from a break in the house work today. The weather all around has been kind to me . Hard rain all day yesterday allowed me to have a giant controlled burn. Sunshine today is allowing me to put the final house wrap on before I head in for a grave yard shift tonight .

Your view and readings Charlie really make me miss the river, your assumption is right, I probably would have been pizzed off at others and left for barren water.

I agree on the Simms gear. It seems to fit me better then or is gear and is good quality. I do need new boots ..
Got a big revival party next weekend and deer camp the following .
My long range out look for fishing is Holloween weekend and trout would be the focus . Hope the SR and weather will allow such.
Good luck to all the venture into the great outdoors
2014/10/05 15:06:26
I'm  sitting inside doing material lists and schedules. That's my birthday week and I'll break some tradition if I don't go. Boo! to the azzhats and trick or treat to the steel and browns.
I hope we can plan something, bro.
2014/10/08 09:29:12
Nice time it looks like charlie.

For the azzhat discussion, I was pushed out of my spot by first cast on Sunday morning. Not worthy of confrontation though. I mean its only a fish. I was fine standing side by side with my son on his rock. He managed to hook up all by himself but it was fouled. I played a few and lost a good fish at our feet after a 200+ yard chase. Really bummed that the early runners were not in good numbers. I usually hate fishing this time of year. I don't think it will ever change. But I do think respect levels are higher than I've ever seen on the river. I've watched off the lfz bridge a few times and I can honestly say I don't think I saw one fly fisherman. Granted, I learned how to fly fish by drying flies with a back hand cast . by no means am I the appitimy of fly fishing though... And with that being said I am not opposed to someone using weight on the fly rod. I have actually been thinking of going back to my early approaches for steel this year in the lower river. Fishing is all about enjoying yourself. And Charlie's post clearly shows how much he enjoyed himself. If there is company there that ruins your time, than its not "your" time. Bottom line... Jack it was great to run in to you and catch up. Was a pleasure meeting your cousin glen also. I honestly think a steelhead gathering in the near future would be a great idea... Have fun guys
2014/10/08 20:06:05
Clint S
Numbers were a bit lower this week, but still pretty high. Ellis lot was full to the brim
2014/10/11 07:00:40
Looks like someone brought along a mirror!
2014/10/11 08:07:44
And has unrealistic expectations  regarding being thought of as more than an azzhat. The only thing you can do with  tiny drifts in the midst of snaggers is snag. In order to use the legal weight and set up a good drift it requires more space than you think is reasonable. If you're windmilling with the rest of the holes, you fit right in. I rotated a specific spot with a friend to give us the space we needed to fish legally and ethically,  you have no aspirations of doing either. You could see the salmon resting in the slow seam tight in front of the north bank and the line of holes ripping into them.  They belonged in the ball park, where I told you, Chartist , you belong.  They'll  even boot you out of the DSR , so you might as well find a comfortable home. You also might consider the fact your a pariah here and are as welcome as Ebola.
2014/10/11 08:44:13
Last week I waded to a place where I could get a decent swing.
Had to time the high stickers on the far bank and fly splashdown was at their toes but I only tangled twice in a couple hours of fishing.
Once when a guy moved in below me and cast across my drift unknowingly.
The second when a coho I had on ran into a cannonballers line that was hung on bottom.
All you need is to know how to fish.
Lucky and I making a run on Wed hopefully.
The steelfish build is in gear.
Old school west coast flies.
Size 6 and 10.
Only a couple dozen more of each to go.
Hope I can make myself tie enough to share with Bill.
Starting the 1/0 black estaz flies next.
Oh wait I forgot I don't need those cause I'm not a dirty tail hooking clarist.

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