When 2 bob want water he is of a size to just sort of melt into it! Between the 6'6" Height and that "I used to eat puppy dogs for breakfast" look he can get in his eyes, he can generally find real estate! I would really like to see someone tell him he can't fish in a spot because it belongs to someone who left to get lunch!
This is the first time in as long as I remember that there is a full blown run into the Genesee before the Salmon has taken off. But if Fichy get 7 yesterday, there are a lot of fish around.
http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/water_pdf/csmi2013progrpt.pdf contains
"Pelagic Prey Fish Gradient West to East" Hydroacoustics were used aboard the RV Lake Guardian and other vessels to study lake-wide patterns of fish distribution. Pelagic prey fish such as alewife and rainbow smelt were found to be most abundant in the western basin. Research will explore how zooplankton and temperature may influence observed patterns, while fish managers use such data to balance predator-prey levels." There is also a graph illustrating, but I could not cut and paste the imbedded file. Eastern basin fish are finding a low density of prey, and we may be seeing some results of this. As 2Bob suggests, maybe they went to Canada for some of that bacon, and some beaver tail!