2014/10/03 21:03:30
Sounds like hell... Hope I enjoy myself tomorrow. Just looking to get the boy in to some fish. May end up holding ground in some messy water to avoid congestion. Honestly, if these fish don't start running hard between sunrise tomorrow and sun set Sunday there is definitely something wrong... The weather is turning and all signs point towards change. Winds and rain are gonna be seasonable with possibility of even below average temps tomorrow night... Bring if on!!!
2014/10/03 21:20:07
hot tuna
Got put on midnights this sun- thurs. that means zombie like week. Looks like I may pass on my first salmon river salmon in 35 years.
Something is wrong db for sure all around and the lake talked a bit
Hope you find peace and fish
2014/10/04 00:26:36
Me and Charlie got there 4:45 to get the spot we wanted and there were 15-20 already there. Got into a few and no one squeezed us on the rock all and all a great day. But more because of the story telling and hanging out then the fishing.
2014/10/04 03:50:33
Sounds like hell... Hope I enjoy myself tomorrow. Just looking to get the boy in to some fish. May end up holding ground in some messy water to avoid congestion. Honestly, if these fish don't start running hard between sunrise tomorrow and sun set Sunday there is definitely something wrong... The weather is turning and all signs point towards change. Winds and rain are gonna be seasonable with possibility of even below average temps tomorrow night... Bring if on!!!

Depending on rain fall amount it might take till mid week or so I think.
With fish still being caught in water 170 feet or so it will take a bit of flow with the cooler water to reach them.
But this weather will definately tell the story.
The hatchery fish may not have imprinted or been near Canadian rivers when they matured and run there.
We have had years of Canadian fish showing here in good numbers.
2014/10/04 07:44:03
I landed 7 kings and they all had the fin. I would have thought that the flood scenario would have been one of the reasons for lack of naturally spawned fish, but not from my limited observation.  I'm glad we're not standing in the rain today fighting off azzhats and goons  to keep a spot.  This is  one of those times the DSR pass pays off, Dime. Hope your boy lands a monster.  We should have tried that inside , outside drift thing earlier, Wayne. I bet we could have gotten a few more hook-ups. We did OK, though.
2014/10/04 10:47:17
When 2 bob want water he is of a size to just sort of melt into it!  Between the 6'6" Height and that "I used to eat puppy dogs for breakfast" look  he can get in his eyes, he can generally find real estate!  I would really like to see someone tell him he can't fish in a spot because it belongs to someone who left to get lunch!
This is the first time in as long as I remember that there is a full blown run into the Genesee before the Salmon has taken off.  But if Fichy get 7 yesterday, there are a lot of fish around.
http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/water_pdf/csmi2013progrpt.pdf  contains
"Pelagic Prey Fish Gradient West to East"  Hydroacoustics were used aboard the RV Lake Guardian and other vessels to study lake-wide patterns of fish distribution. Pelagic prey fish such as alewife and rainbow smelt were found to be most abundant in the western basin.  Research will explore how zooplankton and temperature may influence observed patterns, while fish managers use such data to balance predator-prey levels."   There is also a graph illustrating, but I could not cut and paste the imbedded file.  Eastern basin fish are finding a low density of prey, and we may be seeing some results of this.  As 2Bob suggests, maybe they went to Canada for some of that bacon, and some beaver tail!
2014/10/04 10:53:38
Not to imply that if Fichy gets them, everybody must be getting them, just that 7 in day is pretty good density!  FIMLOL!

2014/10/04 11:01:02
Lucky, I actually landed 6 fair hooks and one foul (I'm bad, I admit it) over 4 days and about 50 hrs.  The kings mostly came from a spot where they were unmolested that no one had found yet. Some of the lifters in the LFZ were getting that many in a day with no problem, not me....
2014/10/04 11:51:15
Fair enough, that is not the kind of fish density that would be expected by October.  We'll have to see if all hell breaks loose with this front coming through, if not, this could be a slim salmon season, which will probably push a lot of pent up angler demand into November and make for a less than idyllic steelhead late season, to which I have deferred my time off because I hate crowds, and I am less than fond of New Jersey people (and more recently, Ohio people that are travelling this far because they have been ostracized thoroughly in their home state and neighboring PA.)
2014/10/04 17:47:15
Clint S
Remember Charlie I got the evidence on my phone๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ...............

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