2014/10/01 15:11:07
Clint S
In the zone and for folks from the board. Yes I will admit I forgot to get my license yesterday and did not remember until Pineville so I was late.  Got to meet Uglyfish, fish with Fichy and his wife (even if it was a hundred yards apart) and see pafisher.   All in all a great day, but the fishing was less than spectacular, far fewer fish seen and hooked. I got to play with  a king for a bit, two ho's and a steel. Fished for a solid 7.5 hours and worked hard for those takes. I did get to net a nice steel for Charlie so that made my day and I am sure there will be a nice pic to follow. Hopefully other had a better day, but I think not as Jack had a equipment malfunction.
I do know my neck was KILLING ME towards then end so here I sit with an ice pack on and a nice little white pill making me feel pretty good.
TB I already lost that pack of swivels and had to buy a new one this am too.
2014/10/01 20:35:27
hot tuna
Never got to look on board much today.
Thanks for the report Clint , sounds like it was a great day to stroll with good folks. Rest up that back, arms and neck, got a feeling your healing well :)
Wish my aches were from fish ..
Good luck FishUSA ers
2014/10/02 21:31:05
I was nice to meet both Clint and jack yesterday. Always good to share good water with good people. Fishing has been there if you work hard you might get a reward. I will post a bigger report when I get home. Till then
2014/10/03 13:52:58
Clint S
Well fished with Charlie and Wayne this morning.  Got there just before sunrise and the lot was loaded. Went down and set up in a decent spot. Once it got light, saw it was Charlie next to me. Second time that happened.  It was as before there are fish there, you have to work and more are fouled than fair by a long shot. I did ok on red headed buggers and long rubber legged buggy streamers again with a red head. Played with a few and landed none. Charlie got another nice steel.
It was mad house as far as people and alot of $#itty rude people due to the numbers.  Let me tell you, just because you know the guy does not mean  it's ok to wedge in. Happened x3.  First guy was a noob and did not know better so I kindly told him that he was standing right where I was drifting and literally on top of the fish. He backed up but did not offer to leave. Went upstream as I saw a guy leave and got a spot, broke off and went to shore to retie and this azzhat literally jumps right in where I was, did not say a word, but walked back out 5 feet from him and started to cast, we exchanged a few pleasantries and he said there was enough room for both of us and again the age old adage that he drove 4 hours to get here and wanted to fish next to his buddy.  I told him I was not about to ruin the drift of the guy above me because I am not an Azz#ole and left. Later had another guy  squeeze in next to me to be next to his buddy even after Charlie wife gave him the business and told him there was not enough room.  Since he was above me he only managed about a 5 foot drift for the next hour or so because I gave up no ground on my casting.  Was a small squirmish below me as someone was trying to save a spot for someone who left to get lunch.  It was like Columbus day weekend out there guyz.
2014/10/03 14:08:53
hot tuna
Sounds like oh so much fun. Maybe combat like fishing
2014/10/03 14:27:43
ye ha, can't wait til tomorrow morning and the circus!!
2014/10/03 14:49:43
Clint S
It was Tunes, it was. 
Oh, and the leaf hatch is in FULL effect. Every other cast was a leaf.
2014/10/03 16:41:05
That's a problem with the present conditions- everyone trying to get to the same few holes.
2014/10/03 16:44:19
Well clint it makes me almost glad I couldn't go today.
Would have like to have been there for a couple hours.
2014/10/03 19:04:13
Clint S
TB there was not one space open, even below the hole had 5 guys at 0630. The snaggers across the hole had fair luck. Fishing wise I would have been better served staying home and getting some wood in.

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