If you can carry in a full coffee cup, or 12 pack, of Mickeydee sack of burgers, why can't you carry it out, and put it in a trash bag in your vehicle and haul it back to wherever you came from? Who are "they", and why should " they" have to pay for a dumpster and pay someone to empty it and pay a tipping fee to dump your trash? All kinds of places are like the big woods in New York now, you carry it in, you carry it out. The license allows you the privilege of fishing, does not say anything about dumping! No, it is just that a whole bunch of "sportsmen," derisively referred to as "fishheads" by the locals, feel like they are entitled to dump anything and everything wherever they want, so of course, some people's back yard ends up looking "pretty **** messy". I'd like to see the fine structure updated to reflect the inflation that has occurred since it was established, and then a sting on that, and taxes in NYS might actually start to go down, an some of the pigs would either change or stay home.