2014/09/22 08:21:17
no fish, stay home!...please
There wasn't alot of action saturday or sunday on the river....unless you were in a choke point just hooking them
the esturary was slow at night too...south wind
with the front that passed and the shift in wind direction i think those lucky enough to be out there tonight should hammer them
2014/09/22 09:02:08
Heading up again this weekend uf?
2014/09/22 11:09:59
Nope headed out tomorrow night fishing through Friday morning. If I have any luck might do a turn around when my son gets out of school but not planning on it.
2014/09/22 12:43:25
Can understand the weather related indicators of when the fish may or may not run however have seen over the years they often mean little to the fish. The past couple years runs of  early fish  in good numbers with  very low warm waters are  a prime example.
 Flood theories may well be negated by the report 2Bob refers to with the hatchling count being OK following the floods.
The lake being colder this year with different wind patterns may well have spread the fish and even slowed maturity resulting in low early returns this season - however have read reports of  the Canadian rivers  doing OK  this season.
If they were so spread and the colder waters are pushing back egg maturity in hens causing them to run later why is Canada doing OK and not this side of the lake ???
  Simply saying that this seems to be  an old fashioned year with the fish likely showing in late Sept to early Oct is OK - just kinda hope that all there is to it and it ends up happening that way..
   IMHO- even in slow years of old always seemed to be  more 'scouts' by now.
I know- I know- pre run jitters- but am kinda getting a weird feeling bout this- certainly fueled by so many  negative rumors.
2014/09/22 13:12:47
hot tuna
I just want to know if we will ever see another banner class of browns like I had in 2009 ? It was off the charts insane and haven't had nearly anything like it since. Same spots, same time but very very few browns . Humm what happened ?
Oh shoot , you guys are talking salmon , sorry . Lol
2014/09/22 13:42:05
Rich I remember it was about this time period back then that I was on the LFZ catching those browns and a bunch of coho that fought like steelhead on steroids,and the beauty of it all was that there were few people for some reason!
I sure hope something starts very soon as I'll be there Sunday!
2014/09/22 13:48:39
hot tuna
I hope it kicks in for you also Jack.
Not going to make it up for your first round but will be there with Net ready on Oct -4,5 & 6
Good luck partner
2014/09/22 15:20:47
Been decent reports of browns here and there..tuna, I've noticed good stand out years for browns through the years but I've never noticed spots being consistent as I've never hit them good in the same spots... Just may be a coincidence though. With water temps averaging middle fifties should start showing more trout
2014/09/22 17:09:52
Never got consistently good at catching Browns- not for lack of trying- lol   90/10
Hos, however, are my favored fish-unfortunately they are on a downslide-think its all on some kind of cycle we may not fully understand.
2014/09/23 14:00:56
Maybe it has to do with numbers stocked.  In 2013 in the SR system, they stocked 68K Coho, 168K steelhead and 360K Chinook.  Still, you have a better chance at coho in the SR than anywhere else in the state as all the 2 year olds go to SR, and one in 5 of all stocked goes into SR.  Browns either are not doing well or are using other tribs like Sandy and Grindstone, as they are stocking actually more in the eastern basin than around the Oak where they rule, and the past studies say they don't stray too far from stocking areas.

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