2013/04/04 10:30:01
i agree with captain hook
2013/04/04 10:49:59
Glad Im not the only one that feels the way I do about dock fishing.  I agree with alot of you.  Glad people can relate to those crazy idiots that think they own everything and threaten to put you in danger.  I am deff going to look into this deeper when I go over to Pymie and stop in at the DCNR office and see what they say.  Rather be safe then sorry!
2013/04/04 10:53:49
Nature of the beast Pork. If you boat on a fishing lake loose fishing line will always be a factor to all anywhere. Still can't see how legally the boat dock owner can stop people from fishing open water. He may be treading on legal action against himself ! With digital cameras and videos today he had better know the laws . This applies to boaters as well.

2013/04/04 16:57:23
This reminds me of the movie Supertroopers....
"Nobody owns the water man, its God's water" lol
But ya I had no idea about this law (if it exists), nor do I see it anywhere in the fishing regs. Just be careful and respectful and you shouldn't ever have any issues. 
2013/04/08 19:02:06
Captain Hook's post sounds quite reasonable; "They don't own the water, can't be a law". I was under the impression that the reason for not fishing from docks is because of the fishing line fouling motors as Porktown had mentioned in his post.
2015/10/19 13:08:52
Thought that I'd necro this oldie, since it is interesting and some of the posters are still active on the board.  Seems that while the fish commission doesn't prohibit dock fishing outside of not being allowed to interfere with boats:
Boats have the right of way over fishing from boat launch areas or boat docks. It is unlawful for persons fishing from a boat launch area or boat dock to permit their fishing activity to interfere with boat traffic into and out of the boat launch area or boat dock.
At Arthur, the DNR prohibits dock fishing:
Fishing is prohibited in these areas:
  • From boat docks, launching or mooring areas, or within 100 feet of these areas.
  • Anywhere in the marina cove at Davis Hollow and the Crescent Bay Marina docks.
  • In the Game Propagation Area.
  • Off of the bridges.
  • Within 100 feet of the beaches.
  • Where posted no fishing.
This doesn't stop people from doing it, especially cast netters (protip: throwing a net is FISHING).  I don't mind it personally, though when I have to walk around people on a dock at night because they are set up to throw nets it is annoying.  
2015/10/19 22:05:25
I know it is blatantly restricted at Moraine, not restricted at ACE lakes. I'm not sure where Pymie fits in there since there is State Park land and the dam is controlled by the Army Corps. Unfortunately, very limited opportunities at Shenango. I just always go by one rule: don't try to make a cast you can't.
2015/10/25 20:09:32
It's posted at the Mahaney launch on Shenango. RC's is private and it's also posted there on Shenango. The docks at Jamestown Boat livery are also private and closed to fishing from them until Nov. 1st, i believe. May be a little later but i know they open them after the boating season is over. Shenango has no homes on the water as the lake flucuates so greatly so there's no private docks outside of the marina. RC's removes the docks after boating season also but all the poles remain and you can fish around them then.

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