2013/04/03 20:25:21
Any one else kind of find it rediculous that its unlawful to fish boat docks from your boat?  I mean as a bass fisherman, If I fish docks I move from dock to dock, so it isn't like Im blocking the boater and/or his dock from coming in to or leaving the dock.  If people are wanting to leave or come in to the dock, you should have enough common courtisy to move out of there way for the docks intended purpose.  Docks provide some of the greatest fishing areas/habitat for fish.  I don't feel like Im destroying or damaging a dock owners property by fishing their dock.  I know theres the excuses of hooking some ones boat cover and ripping it or dinging lures off of boats, but lets face it a plastic worm, bobber, little weights, etc. isn't going to damage a pontoon boat vrs. something with more weight and force.  Its kind of ironic of how they can fish off their docks, but the public is pointed the finger of shame at if they fish a dock.  Seems unfair.  Like I said, I think some of PA's laws are just dumb but of course they wont be changed.  This is all in my opinion and feel free to put yours on here.  Please, no arguments over this guys!  Thanks. 
2013/04/03 21:16:44
I agree with coldfront. I dock my boat and although some anglers have enough common sense and skill to not have their lures close enough to do any damage. The fact of the matter is that there are more ignorant people without the cooth or skill needed to do this type of fishing. 
2013/04/04 07:51:10
Not sure that I am aware of this law... Is this statewide? Where is this posted.  I fish a ton of lakes in many states and dock fishing is generally accepted and I have never had a problem.  I know of a few private lakes that landowner associations control and even a couple public ones with state docks, where this is a rule, but those are the exception.  Can someone post the exact law and where to find it?  Thanks
2013/04/04 09:27:11
I'm not aware of any rule or law, other than a few years ago the State added a clause when issuing tournament permits that fishing in marinas or around docked/moored boats was prohibited during the tournament. I know this language was added to bass tournament permits but not sure if similar language was added to other tournaments like crappie, walleye, etc.
If I'm out just fishing for fun, I'm not aware of any law that prohibits me from fishing around a dock other than some marinas are closed to fishing in general. While the dock owner may own the dock and pay the fee to place the dock in the water, they don't own the water around or under the dock.
I've had some interesting interactions with dock owners over the years. Some are very tolerant and friendly. Some get downright hostile and possessive of the water around the dock.
If you are skilled in boat control, casting, skipping, etc. you can pick apart a dock without causing damage. Unfortuately some seem comfortable smashing a 1/2 oz. jig against someone's property without regard.
2013/04/04 09:34:34
There is a sign by the motor boat club docks that say no fishing allowed around the docks from shore but you can fish it in your boat.
2013/04/04 09:58:19
I myself am not aware of any rules or laws.  I fish the bass tournaments and the rules do state no dock fishing.  However, I have had run-ins where guys threaten to call the game warden on me for fishing docks.  I have also been told by numerous fisherman that it is unlaw to fish docks in any way in the state of PA.  I've heard that they will stick you big time and fine you on Pymie and that dock fishing is NOT tolerated on the lake.  Im not sure if this is set in stone in a law or not.  I'd like to find a law myself.  I do agree they don't own the water and smashing lures into their boat isn't really polite.  However, if an angler has enough skills to fish docks why not.  Its not like Im targeting my cast at their boat or dock, its around the general area.  Other states dont mind dock fishing.  Some of PA's laws are just stupid to me vrs. other states.
2013/04/04 10:07:20
I dont believe there is any law in pa that says your not allowed to fish a dock
2013/04/04 10:08:52
They don't own the water can't be a law. Same as ice fishing you can fish anywhere around the dock as long as you stay on the ice and not the dock. They can own the land around, they can own the dock ,not the water. This is on public lakes not private. This I was told by a fish commish warden a few years back.

2013/04/04 10:18:46
At the marina that I kept my boat a few years back, the owner was very adamant about not fishing from or around the docks.  He claimed that fishing line has destroyed more motors than anything else.  It gets wrapped around the propeller shaft, and cuts into the gasket, allowing water in.  Every time that I have replaced propellers, there has always been fishing line there, but haven't had any issues with leaking gaskets or even noticed any wear from the line.  I am rather sure the fishing line on mine was from me or someone in my boat, and not a dock fisherman though.  I can't say that I believe his severity of it, but certainly see the argument.  Especially if someone snags a braided line and had to break off, eventually some might get caught up in their shaft.  I'm sure that could do some damage.  That said, about the same probability of running into loose line around the lake/river...  Not really fair to them, especially if they are not anglers, and just pleasure boaters, or anglers that don't do the same to others.  To me, there are more than enough other sources of fish holding structure in just about any body of water to feel the need to fish a private dock, even if I don't fully believe in the logic.  I do find fishing shows that are constantly doing this to be rather shady, promoting a somewhat controversial technique.
2013/04/04 10:29:42
I fish docks at Pymy all the time without an issue. I don't do it in a tournament because it is usually prohibited in the rules because of the language in the permit.
On other lakes, I've had dock owners threaten to call the PAFBC on me for fishing their "property" and I, as nicely as possible, invite them to do so because they don't own the water around the dock. I inform them I pay my taxes and possess a valid fishing license so I am fishing legaly on public waters. They usually pretend to write down my boat registration number while I am smiling at them.
I've witnessed dock owners sitting on their docks with water hoses to discourage guys from fishing them. That can lead to an interesting "test of wills".
I've seen some docks that were "boobie trapped" with fishing line, nets, etc. strung under them to discourage guys from casting in there. That is usually a recipe for disaster and conflict.
The majority of time if a dock owner is in the vicinity of their dock, if I strike up a conversation before I start fishing it, I don't encounter any conflict.

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