2016/01/18 20:46:00
Hi i was wondering how the fishing is right now.
2016/01/19 08:55:46
I was on the east side of the lake on Saturday about 1.5 miles south of the causeway. There was 2 to 3 inches of ice. It look to me that the lake was locked up all  the way across.  Didn't fish, I'm to fat to trust 2 to 3 inches, though it didn't break or crack under my weight.
2016/01/19 11:19:41
http://forums.fishusa.com/m/tm.aspx?m=566225 <pymatuming fishing reports here
2016/01/19 15:17:12
Just finished reading a report by Daryl Black regarding the ice on area lakes.  None of the bait shops are reporting what they would deem "safe ice" at Pymatuning as of 1/18/2016.   According to the report, the ice thickness varies from location to location with the best ice being found at the north end.
The main concern is with the ice just forming which can be several inches thick in one spot and only a few inches thick a few steps away.  The report also advises drilling holes every few feet to ascertain thick enough ice that will; support the total weight of all anglers fishing an area.
Of course, what one person considers safe ice may not be the liking by others. 
I received a PDF of the report and it will not copy properly to a board; If I can find a link for the report I shall be most happy to post it.
I am planning a trip to Pymie tomorrow (bright and early in the afternoon) and hopefully will be able to drill some holes and get a better view for myself.
Meanwhile spring is on it's way...... I saw lawnmowers on sale at Walmart today!

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