2015/12/26 00:52:17
WELL.........  here we go again with archery and flintlock kicking off at sunrise this morning.  Rumors are abound with tales of antlered deer, some nice racks, still being seen at night in the fields.  I suppose this warm weather may be retarding the loss of horns in many parts of the North East states.  Just my luck, I'll see non-shooters still sporting their racks preventing me from killi.. errrr... harvesting them with a stick versus lost rack allowing for use of antlerless tag(s).   Stupid AR!
Wishing all those venturing forth still seeking the elusive White-Tailed PA. Deer (that would be me) a safe and successful hunt.
2015/12/26 07:37:32
Big Tuna
Good luck  BTDT.  I'm going to pass on anymore deer killing,I'm just not seeing that many deer in my neck of the woods. I talk to Marko and he wants me to go to Pymy a couple more time before it gets cold. Should be comfortable sitting in your tree stand or ground blind more like October.
2015/12/26 11:16:33
Had Brutus under my stand this morning at 6:15ish. By day break he was gone
Gonna try and hit it again this afternoon.
2015/12/26 21:55:12
Betcha can't guess why it took me so long to post on my excursion seeking the elusive PA. White-Tailed Deer today.  Well,  stupid deer and,  that's all I have to say about that
Big Tuna
Good luck  BTDT.  I'm going to pass on anymore deer killing,I'm just not seeing that many deer in my neck of the woods. I talk to Marko and he wants me to go to Pymy a couple more time before it gets cold. Should be comfortable sitting in your tree stand or ground blind more like October.

Thank-you kindly Big Tuna for the good luck wishes.  As for the fishing I must warn that, you will be in for good times.  However, you should be aware of any 'wagers' suggested by a certain individual when it comes to 'who catches the most fish'.
Psssssstt!  Beware, of any suggestions that you fish somewhere else, especially from a boat.  Second, the mention of using "the docks' as a venue for fishing.  Third, keep an eye open for any "ringers" that may be fishing those same docks.  Not something I would tell just anybody so, let's just keep this our little secret. 
Have a great time catching and may your creel be filled with wonderful memories.
2016/01/02 22:43:38
Took a little walk with the crossbow today or, at least tried.  Ground was frozen for the most part but the leaves were crunchy and real noisy. Spent the remainder of the day standing on the corner of a cornfield pretending to be a bush.  Total game seen today, two squirrels and bushy tailed bunny.
Weather dude says snow starting tomorrow with additional snow for Monday so I'm gonna dress-up like a tree and go see if I can harvest a elusive PA. White-Tailed Deer with a stick for one more week.
Next year I'm huntin elusive PA. Bushy-Tailed Squirrels and elusive PA. Wascally Wabbits!  No more elusive stupid deer!   Maybe!
2016/01/03 13:03:29
Ohhhhhh boy..............  bet I'm gonna hear about placing wagers on catching fish pretty soon.
2016/01/03 17:54:36
Hope you see one like this in your area ........

2016/01/03 19:51:44
Hell Brock I'd probably get so excited, over just seeing a legal shooter, I would get "Buck Fever".  My gosh, wouldn't it have been nice to be sitting in that tree.
Beautiful picture, thanks for sharing.
2016/01/08 12:00:31
Wanna know why I can't harvest Bambi with a stick wellllll let me tell ya.
Day before yesterday I was just packing it in and heading for the car at around 5:30 PM when I counted 14 deer leaving a ravine and entering the field I was crossing.  Fast forward to yesterday afternoon, when I placed my field cam at the location I saw the deer entering the field.  Also decided to walk maybe 25 yds. into the ravine and make my self comfortable sitting on my milk crate anticipating the deer would once again enter the field at this point.
As luck would have it, I saw absolutely no deer and once again exited the area just as there was barely enough light to keep from falling on my azz as I treked across the field.
This morning, returning to the area before there was enough light to keep me from falling on my azz, I made my way into the woods, this time at a slightly different location wishing I had not forgot my flashlight and hoping I would not trip and break my azz.  
The ground is frozen and the leaves crispy enough that I sounded like a heard of squirrels romping through the woods.  Finding a decent place, so I thought, I made myself comfortable on my milk crate.  During the two hours of sitting I seemed to have lost the feeling in my legs and feet which made for standing a bit difficult without falling on my Azz.  
During my visit I counted a heard of squirrels romping through the woods as if it were mating season.  Squirrels are a pain in the azz to begin with and coupling that with the area heavily populated with Amish dudes that shoot anything they can eat, I figured my location may not be the best place to be dressed like a pile of brush.
Packed up all my gear, including my camera and, made a beeline for the car which is parked 400 yds across a field.  Drove straight home, poured a pot of coffee and plugged the camera chip into the laptop eager to see what I didn't see after hanging the camera.
Clicked the "import picture" button, brought the pictures up on the screen and immediately began laughing off my azz.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words wellllll, here is a few pictures worth a million laughs.  Enjoy yourself folks., this chytz and giggles session is on me.
This scenario took place yesterday afternoon and I need mention the time stamp is Standard Daylight Time and the date stamp is off by a few months but, who's counting.
I'm entering the brush line about 25 yd's into the woods where I got comfortable on my milk crate, this is the area where the deer came from the night before so I, anticipated they would return again today.

No, they decide to do exactly the opposite today, guess who she sees sitting comfortably on a milk crate behind a tree?

Not sure what she might be smelling the ground for, any ideas?

Look at the "Great Hunter" completely unaware that his prey was watching him for a total time of 6 minutes until he sees pictures the next day....  WHAT AN AZZ!
2016/01/08 15:23:53
That's pretty funny. Stupid deer!

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