2016/02/05 20:28:20
Only the Ohio River, confl.ov the Mahoning & Shenango River & Shenango River Lake Have "DO NOT EAT CHANNEL CATS" in Pa. waters. ONE EYE A MONTH MEAL advisory too boot.
2016/02/05 23:05:43
IMHO Captain, the PFBC is playing the old game of "robbing Peter to pay Paul",i.e., skimming walleye from one lake to restock another lake. 
No doubt with the budget situation, e.g., salaries, retirement, etc. along with pet projects such as Arway's SOS there will be no money to increase the purchase of additional walleye and/or any other fishes needed to rebuild the fisheries destroyed in other lakes, from the biologist playing their stupid fish specific lake games.
Strange how our lakes/streams/rivers were able to sustain a healthy population of fishes years ago but now, don't meet the criteria of a few select biologist.
2016/02/06 15:24:34
I don't understand their Walleye program. If your stocking the numbers but your not seeing the results then what is the problem ? I know the solution is not to stop stocking ! How does that help that lake or waterway ?  They want to justify cutting back on stocking Walleye in lets say three lakes A,B, and C, and put a little more in one lake (D). That way it seems ok to them because lake D has more Walleye to catch but now lakes A,B, and C are no longer on their lists. In the future they will say lakes A,B,C have good numbers of Bass ,Crappie, Catfish but Walleye numbers are down. No kidding ! I like the way they take credit for good numbers of Bass ,Crappie ,Pike ,and so on, like they have something to do with those numbers ! Still I want to know what's the problem if those numbers are down all of a sudden and stocking will be discontinued in those lakes. Never get a good answer..........do we !
Walleye fishing in our local lakes is in serious jeopardy into the future and these cutbacks are only going to make it worse. Our lakes should be receiving more stockings not less !
2016/02/06 17:18:18
I agree the walleye stocking program is terrible here in pa.I get a stragler here and there  but I just about given up targeting walleyes on our inland lakes. A couple times a year I go out of eriw weather permitting and always seem to load up then when I come home I just fish for panfish .Its nothing like the old days  not even close!!
2016/02/06 18:14:33
 "Our walleye catch was the best in many years and was just shy of the minimum set in the Inland Walleye Management Plan. Historically, Shenango River ............."
"just shy of the minimum......  who the hell set the minimum??????????????
I bet you 'dollars to doughnuts' the idiot that wrote this report has no idea of what the true HISTORY of any waterways was like as recently as twenty years ago.  Unfortunately, most of us that do know what the fishing was like HISTORICALLY, do not have the slightest idea of what we are talking about.  At least not in the eyes of the Fish and Game Committee in Harrisburg, most of us do not have a pictured framed biology diploma hanging on our office wall, and we just started fishing yesterday, so who are we to question anything? 
We certainly are not alone in seeing the destruction of PA.s fine fishing as, the complaints are the same among those seeking crappie to trout and, it appears to be more than Northwest PA.
Try as you might, you will never convince me that the biologist have not come very close, to destroying every fishery in PA.  Not wanting to accept the blame we shall see bogus reports allowing them to tuck their tails and run while hoping our lakes and streams will naturally recover from their stupid 'fish specific waters' program.   You can rest assured, if and when any recovery occurs they shall take credit for such, never seen before, fine fishing in the Pennsylvania Wilds.
I hear a headache calling my name, must be time for my therapy.
2016/02/07 10:13:41
Has anybody pulled any zebra mussels from Shenango Lake yet? I fish it quite often and I haven't. I'm glad the Erie guys don't come down to this lake on the days when the big water is too rough for them. Like Icenut, I fish Erie a few times a year to get my eyes and just fish panfish on the inland waters.
2016/02/07 18:55:44
  Do they come in clusters stuck together? If so pulled a goop ov 'em out of Stoneboro Lake some yrs. back. Maybe if/when they show up in SRL they filter the water (CLEAN) , blessing in disguise??
2016/02/07 23:43:05
I don't understand their Walleye program. If your stocking the numbers but your not seeing the results then what is the problem ? I know the solution is not to stop stocking ! How does that help that lake or waterway ?  They want to justify cutting back on stocking Walleye in lets say three lakes A,B, and C, and put a little more in one lake (D). That way it seems ok to them because lake D has more Walleye to catch but now lakes A,B, and C are no longer on their lists. In the future they will say lakes A,B,C have good numbers of Bass ,Crappie, Catfish but Walleye numbers are down. No kidding ! I like the way they take credit for good numbers of Bass ,Crappie ,Pike ,and so on, like they have something to do with those numbers ! Still I want to know what's the problem if those numbers are down all of a sudden and stocking will be discontinued in those lakes. Never get a good answer..........do we !
Walleye fishing in our local lakes is in serious jeopardy into the future and these cutbacks are only going to make it worse. Our lakes should be receiving more stockings not less !

  Maybe they could supply fertile eggs to aquarium enthusiast that live close to lakes that need stocked, fry shouldn't be that difficult. Maybe worry 'bout disease?? The PAGC supplied Ringneck chicks for residents to raise. Heck Pheasant eggs were easy to hatch & fun to raise.  ;~("*#%x!!>z@(:"*aRugh=nvrmd:)
Ps, how much do they reek a yr. on boat registrations? Heck they even get twice the $$ on boats with good stickers that get sold  
2016/02/09 13:11:19
She's blowing mud today ....lake is just as bad .


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