2015/10/31 21:05:45
Why quit when the fish are biting?  Caught some PIG crappies today on flotilla de BTDT.  Other than the fact that some jackholes pulled the floating docks a month early (global warming, hello?) we had a great day.  If the sun hadn't gone down so fast my wife would have had to cook herself dinner... we'd still be out there.  Got to meet team Chauncy also.  Saw maybe 10 boats today.  
Thanks again BTDT!  Appreciate you hosting so I didn't have to drag my boat way up there.  We'll talk about that "garage sale off your boat" thing in the spring.  
ps - for all you guys who wasted today in the woods hoping to skewer bambi, or harvest an inedible poop tasting turkey, good on you.  Though the buck you were after tried to suicide on my car driving up rt19.  
Zelie "those are all black crappy but this one" Sam
2015/11/01 08:54:39
Stop it, I was blinded by the glare from all those STUPID shiny White Bass............  stupid White Bass!
Good times Sam but, next time, I get to use a jig with a hook on it.
Chauncy sorry we didn't see ya till the end of the day, I'm sure there will be another time soon.  Congratulations on your catching.
Great day fishing, gooder day catching.  (even those stupid White Bass)   
2015/11/01 14:03:28
Need the mods to change BTDT to "Whitey" for all the white bass he caught.  There's no doubt he outfished me; that boy can work a jig.  But I out-crappied him, and that's good enough for me.  Quality of fish on Shenango is really impressive, especially compared to Arthur.  Two lakes couldn't be more dissimilar though.  If you show up at Arthur and try to fish the same way you do on Shenango, you're going to spend a long frustrating day pulling weeds off of your jigs.  Pro-tip.  :)  
Oh and by the way... some of those white bass could have been small wipers for all we know.  Because you need to be a fricking biologist to tell the ****ed things apart.  We'd probably have kept a few of the bigger ones, including the one that ruined my thumb with his razor-gills, but who wants to pay a fine because you failed to count "tongue patches" right?  Whatever the hell those are.  
Also... two sticklebacks in my bait bucket Pork.  We thought of you every time I netted one.  One went into the lake for constantly swimming into the net, and one went in my fish tank.  Naming him "Li'l Pork."  Until the catfish eats him, anyway.  
2015/11/01 14:48:44
That's a great looking Avatar ya got there Zelie, you have a professional take that picture?  Great fish too!
Hey seriously, I meant, we were catching White Bass not Crappie!  I think I was suffering from wind chill frost bite, stupid climate change!
Congratulations on catching the crappie, and 'out crappied' me you did, three to one I think and, they were dandies.   Just wished when you said you were bringing the minnows, you would of told me I had to bring my own.  Sure glad I found that one jig laying in the boat!
How's "Li'l Pork" doing in his new home?
2015/11/19 12:31:21
Shenango River no place like home ..............

2015/11/21 13:41:48
Had a couple good days on the lake this week. Lots of crappies. Bass also hit good. jigs worked well.
2015/11/21 13:43:57
chauncy,  just curious..do you ever target eyes?  or just crappies all year round?
2015/11/22 09:45:04
Crappies on inland lakes year round but I do fish the big lake for wall eyes during the summer months.
2015/11/29 09:19:21
No turkey leftovers today boys ! Fresh late November Walleye headed for the grille ............23"

2015/11/29 09:31:06
                                                              Just kidding, of course, Captain Hook as I truly meant to say............

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