2015/09/06 14:08:52
Time to go fishing.......the sun is rising !

2015/09/06 22:39:11
Beautiful Captain............  but, I still ain't gettin my donkey outta bed that early in the morning....... at least not yet.
2015/09/10 23:35:28
Okay, I did it!  I took the Captain's advice and got on the water early.  Low pressure and rain forecast for later in the day so, I thought the fish might turn on and bring about a good bite.  Couldn't have ask for better conditions with a gentle wind out of the west providing a mild chop and great drifting speed.  It is two days after a major three day weekend holiday and it was nice to join only boats occupied by other anglers.  I wouldn't even begin to think what kind of a beating the lake took over such a hot, end of summer, weekend holiday.
Anyway, the lake has had two days to calm down and with rain and low pressure in the forecast I sez to myslf; "self" we need to get on the water early.  Packed my lunch, hooked the boat and, headed for Shenango with visions of fishes tugging and stretching my line.
Launched the boat from the trailer, parked my vehicle and, pulled from the dock heading to my favorite fishing hole as the bells tolled 11:00.  What.........?  It's early for me so,  I tossed twister tails, chucked crank baits and, tried a couple of spinners throwing to and parallel with the shore line.  I fished humps, bumps, shallow, deep, points, piers and, couldn't even catch a snag.
I spoke with some very nice people who were catching some small crappy on minnows and I was marking something resembling fish on my sonar  but, I can only say, stupid fish!
End of story!
2015/09/11 11:27:37
11:00 A.M....yikes ...try 5:30-6:00 A.M. might have some better luck....11-12 pm is never a good time.
2015/09/12 12:01:38
LOL.......!  Your getting closer to feeding time. Here's the schedule I recommend ....... Set that alarm to 5 am. be , on the lake ready to fish at 6 am , fish till 10 am. , arrive home at 11am., eat lunch 11:30 am. , and nap time at 12 PM !  Oh, I left out fish cleaning time ! (optional)
2015/09/12 21:30:23
Set the alarm for 5 am.................. AM as in morning?  Nap time at 12 pm
PS. What's an alarm?
2015/09/18 13:35:48
Shenango at daylight today...............

Tossed this only slab back. Shenango's algae problem has the whole lake cloudy green. Not good visibility for fishing ....at least that's my excuse.
2015/09/18 13:51:30
The only problem with your excuse; I didn't think of it first.:-P

Do these pictures mean ya had some good luck and remembered where ya left your camera?

Ya know what they say about the two signs if getting old 1. Your memory begins to fade and 2; ummmm, huhh I seemed to have forgotten.:-\

Nice pics. as usual except for, that nasty looking dude in the one.:-D
2015/09/18 14:02:08
nice slab...he would be in my frying pan!!
2015/09/19 00:20:59
 I think that camera is history, but you know me and my pictures, I have an older spare. Shenango is like fishing in a giant pea soup bowl..... man that green stuff is bad. On another note Lake Erie is so high that the mouths of all the creeks are backed up with high water and little current. You go up stream above Rt. 5 and the creeks are a trickle !

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