2014/10/17 06:29:32
John I have the day off today. Might have to take a walk back there... Did they have over limits of trout on stringers?
2014/10/17 06:43:11
Yes 3fan it would be nice to get enforcement but other than the boat its not happening where they might get muddy feet unless attitude changes.
Would be cool to have the boat make passes incognito.
Stopping as if to fish and then busting people.
Making the fine hurt would also go a long way but that seems to be a pipe dream also.
2014/10/17 06:53:56
I ran into a retired DEC officer  for my area the other day. He told me the annual trip out to the SR was pretty much a joke, as they weren't really schooled to actually do anything constructive, other than be a visible presence. Hence why the local DEC  gets the boat. It's now a free for all, knowing the odds are  probably better to have your car broken into than get a ticket. As much as he hated the snagging zone, he thought they might as well have it, as it at least was truthful. He loved the fishing, but doesn't go back anymore, just too much to take . For every ethical fisherman there's many more snaggers there to par-tee. It's getting close to  declaring outright war on the fish.
2014/10/17 07:55:28
Dime might be headed up again today myself, and if you know where the little creek comes in at the tail of the root across from your side just up is a downed tree they tie their stringers to. Had to 12 to 15 steel on them at the least.
2014/10/17 08:02:56
Fichy truth be told I wouldn't mind a snagging zone under tight conditions.
Hook size limitation.
Mandatory break in line so hundreds of yards of 50# is hanging downriver.
And open only 9/1 til 10/15.
Pineville bridge to rt52
All chrome above pineville must be released at that time
Fines at least tripled after that if you are snagging and give the dec officer the right to decide since he would be considered an expert witness in court.
I'm sure there is more tweaking but this is off the top of my head.
2014/10/17 08:08:27
hot tuna
I think you might find those steelies you seen on my fish finder site ;)

I recognize the 3 on the left.
Don't know them but have seen their faces enough to pick them out of a line up.
2014/10/17 10:00:25
Harsher penalties for guides who use or tacitly approve of clients implementing illegal tactics.  If guides are not willing to serve as stewards of the fishery then I fear the worst. 
It's unfortunate but bad behavior is rewarded by success.  Until people learn its not how many but how well it will never change.
2014/10/17 10:16:02
Two Bob I agree 100% bud. Although I'd say 9/15-10/15... Would allow earlier runners to get up to the hatchery a less stressful trip. And on average bulk of steel start showing up 2nd week of October.
2014/10/17 10:17:18
What time you gonna be around john? Later in to the afternoon?
2014/10/17 10:22:38
Probably right on the timing dime.

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