got to my usual spot below the root at about 130 and was able to slide in between the guy fishing the head of the run and a drift boat in the middle. started with a flesh fly and hooked a lot of leaves river was full of them. Switched to a green eztaz with a clear bead at the head, by the way not seeing any salmon just lots of steel. Had a taker on the forth drift with a nice run at me and 4 jumps then off, that was my first take this season! Kept fishing and watching the 12 or so guys working the stretch including the guide, all lifting every one. I probably saw 25 bright steelhead come in tail first, back hooked, belly hooked but never saw one in the mouth, even watched the guide net one hooked clearly in the back and saw it put on a stringer. It was a meat market for sure. Got one other quick pull but did not stay on and that was on a black egg sucking leach. crossing the river and heading out about 430 and saw 6 stringers tied to the big log at the tail of the root, all full and most steel, on one stringer 3 steel and a hoe, in my 3 hours I saw 3 salmon 2 that swam by and one dragged to shore.......backwards. Still not a fish for me this season but man is there a lot of steel around.