2014/10/16 11:59:35
hot tuna
I was going through my normal DEC reviews and came across these proposed Regulations for 2015.
Most seemed normal but one threw me off.
Without any other details that I could find, what does this mean to you ? Does it mean db gets his wish..lol

2014/10/16 12:30:26
Clint S
Just don't seem it would fly.  So banning all weight on the line????? Float and center pin people Would be done.  Spin fisherman done.   You need a little weight. 
Here is what I found
Existing clause 10.2(c)(1)(ii)(f) is amended to read as follows:
(f) [For tributaries located in Oswego and Cayuga Counties] With the exception of Lake Erie tributaries, weight shall not be added to the line, leader, swivels, artificial fly or lure in any manner such that the weight hangs lower than the attached hook, artificial fly or lure when the line or leader is suspended vertically from the rod.[ This prohibition shall also apply from September 1st through November 30th in the Genesee River (Monroe County) from the Driving Park Bridge upstream to the Lower Falls.]
Would be nice to just limit the whole river to 1/4ounce
2014/10/16 13:16:29
I don't get it??? Expand??? What does this mean???
2014/10/16 13:19:15
Clint, a lot of guys on oswego use a drop shot rig in which the weight is lower than the hook so egg sac is always elevated when weight is on bottom. Tunas finding definitely sounds like a grey area... Have no time to research myself right now though.
2014/10/16 13:21:15
That would be nuts if thats for real... If its true I'd say they are conspiring to turn it in to an Atlantic fishery
2014/10/16 16:08:23
Clint S
If they are DB they are heading for a ticket. From 9/1 to 3/31 this is the current reg.

Leaders and Weights

  • The distance between the hook, artificial fly or lure and any weight attached to the line or leader, whether fixed or sliding, shall not exceed four feet.
  • In addition, when the above special tributary regulations are in effect for Lake Ontario tributaries in Oswego and Cayuga Counties, and the Genesee River (Monroe County) from the Driving Park Bridge upstream to the Lower Falls: weight shall not be added to the line, leader, swivels, artificial fly or lure in any manner such that the weight hangs lower than the attached hook, artificial fly or lure when the line or leader is suspended vertically from the rod. 
     The proposed change is  "with the exception of Lake Erie tributaries"
I did see the page HT Posted from, but this is all I got from the "official " DEC site.
Good news on the ice though.  They changed it to 7 lines total any Combo.   This will eliminate the
"what is a tip up" gray area.
2014/10/16 16:15:37
hot tuna
Yea I like the new ice reg change to 7, it makes it simple.
As for the weight, I figured it would be an amendment towards the current " no weight " in place for the zones which start on May-1 thru aug -15 . No ?
2014/10/16 17:21:27
Clint S
When following the links to the wording of the changes of the regs I find only what I posted above. 
Right above that change it states that jig and flies with no more than 1/8 are allowed, clarifying jigs are allowed.
Could it be for the zones, maybe,  but even your link  says ALL tribes.
2014/10/16 17:36:57
Clint S
I just got confirmation from a quick call to the DEC. It seems they have fielded quite a few calls and e mails about this.  it is indeed, just to prohibit weight below the hook on all tributaries  for Oswego and Cayuga counties and a portion of the Genesee river.  she stated that this is a popular way to foul hook fish and changed the regulation  on the suggestion of their officers.
2014/10/16 17:40:26
Dam, no more drop shot rippin'. Spoil all the fun. I just bought 300 black estaz 1/o's from a dude from Ohio, too....

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