Well today started out good, but ended in a soggy mess. Walked in before sun up with only 2 cars in the lot one was TB and L13. Walked right by them and even said hello, but it was dark and TB did not know it was me. Around 0900 a pod of steel must of came through and there were multiple hook ups by me and my buddy for bit then it was a pick until 1300 or so with a hook up here and there. Towards the middle of the day TB and L13 came over and we shared some water with TB getting that steel. Overall between my buddy and I got 3 steel, to the net and one king. Sorry only got pics of 2 of the other ones slipped from my gasp when removing the hook. Than king was beat up, but took it hard. Steel hits were VISCOUS and many were rockets. I was in the backing 3 times today. That steel my buddy got was a MONSTER I think mid teens. It really fizzled out the later in the afternoon it got. We left and took a walk down stream, checked out Jailwater section and fished a bit here and there with no luck and I come back at around 1700 and fished for an hour with only one brief hookup.
Good flies of the day were red and white sucker spawn again today, egg patterns and black stones
No DEC today and luckily for the stealth liner next to me. He was an old timer that usually is on the other side, he usually does well and now I know how and he even gave me a tutorial when I inquired. Small size 14 stone fly, 6 foot tippet and a slinky above. He told me he uses ''enough weigh to get it down'' and they (dec) don't bother you if your fishing "right". Although some were hooked Good many (especially the kings)were not, he for the most part broke off foul hooked fish. Overall he was a nice courteous guy to fish next to. Same guy with running line next to me today to. He was also courteous netted a fish for me and fishing correctly o no bad to me.
L13 I have not tried it yet, but I will. It was nice fishing with you guys today.
TB your witness protection gig is safe with me.