Dime I don't think anyone is disputing the effectiveness of bottom bouncing done right.
Trouble comes from those bastirds that bastirdize it.
No I am seeing people using too much weight and dragging it into fish and the occasional fish being lined.
I am seeing people hunting fish and whebn they see them lifting them
Then I am seeing people following the regs that know how to fish getting good solid hook ups.
In the old days I saw people outright ripping fish since if you released them you couldn't get a ticket as long as you had a running line on you reel.
Now you see idiots with no clue and people stealth snagging.
Same results but with more people but the new "pro lifters" try to hide what they are doing.
They should have plain clothes people there 3 days a week popping people and sending a message.
On top of that what the zones need is more real fisherman so the bandits don't have room to ply there tactics