2016/02/27 08:41:39
Big Tuna
Years ago I fished them in early spring in March. Then I heard the land owner posted the land and it's unfishable now. Can one still fish it or is it a no go  ? Thanks on any info.
2016/02/27 12:04:31
Still posted from what I understand.Used to be a fun little spot, that's what slob fisherman will do for you.
2016/02/28 08:16:25
The Ref
Yes its posted had some fun in the canal in the spring and some good
pass shooting in the evenings during goose season.
2016/02/29 11:42:26
Yep, still posted. They seem to put up new signs yearly that then get torn down by those that just don't get it. Saw a guy drive his car back into the field last year. Some folks just have zero respect.
2016/03/05 17:30:01
Posted, what a shame. I used to take my son and have taken my grandkids also. We caught lots of crappy and the occasional pike from the canal.  The last time I went there was lots of garbage-litter. I hardly ever come back from an outing with out cleaning up others messes. I do not blame people for posting property. I have a couple properties that I do not post as the camp owners bordering have always left it spotless. Pittsburghers that have treated our property well and always been appreciative and polite. I have had bad experiences on other properties and got fed up and posted. 

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