2016/02/24 20:10:13
Great job and quick thinking   Glad everything ended well, but i know I'm going to get a rash of **** over this, but I gotta ask...Who takes a pic of what could be a guys last minutes on earth as he clings to an ice shelf?  I'm sorry, I'll take my beating now.
2016/02/24 20:46:56
The Rangers sure thanked me for documentation of the incident!
2016/02/24 21:22:29
Great job and quick thinking   Glad everything ended well, but i know I'm going to get a rash of **** over this, but I gotta ask...Who takes a pic of what could be a guys last minutes on earth as he clings to an ice shelf?  I'm sorry, I'll take my beating now.

old dog
i wondered the same when i saw the gent in the water. 

Legitimate question, perhaps you should ask rescue personnel, law enforcement officials, safety people etc. how a picture is worth a thousand words.  
Ever been approached as a witness to a accident and answer questions fired at you regarding the situation?
What would you do, run out on the ice and become a victim yourselves.  Wouldn't that be a great, now the guy in the orange suit has to decide who he lets die and who lives.
That picture has sent a very serious message to many would be victims, be they this year or years to come.
It was through Bill's approval that I printed the story because we both knew the importance of getting the word out.
Now for my legitimate question, why would either one of you even ask such a question in the first place?
PS. The picture was taken by the guy whose quick actions is credited with, saving the mans life.
2016/02/24 21:31:04
Probably a lawyer ! Getting the law suit ready in case these guys messed up or failed .     
2016/02/24 21:52:55
I don't know.  To me it would be like rolling up on a violent accident, calling for help, then snapping a few pics of the folks trapped in the car.  Again, I knew I would hear about it, but that's ok.  I credit him for not only calling for help but having the wherewithal to jounalize the situation.
And yes, I have been a witness, actually more than once where I was needed to testify to a chain of events.  
For the record BTDT, I am pretty sure I NEVER suggested that he go out and try to help on obviously lousy ice!   Again, I commended his fast action.  I don't know what I would have done, but I'm pretty sure pulling out my I6 wouldn't have been one of them.
If you want to question my asking, that's fine, but don't you DARE suggest in any way shape or form that I even hinted that he should have gone on that ice.  For you to do that, sir, would be an injustice and horrible lack of judgement on your part.
2016/02/24 22:01:18
Big Tuna
I don't know you sir, but thank you Mr Bill Cusick for being at the right place at the right time.
2016/02/24 22:19:35
Opsman read my comment again, I asked you what you would do.  Just calling you out 'cause it's obvious you posed your original question to stir the pot.  Well hero, it worked.
Old dog, I'm glad you find the picture to be haunting, that's precisely why I ask for permission to print it, we want the picture to stick in peoples minds. It sends a message that keeps on giving....10-4!!
2016/02/24 22:21:58
Well congrats to all that helped save this guy .... A big congrats to your friend Bill for calling 911 ... Never had any interest in ice fishing.
2016/02/24 22:29:12
You know btdt I've read your posts for a long time.  I didn't want to stir the pot but I did question that picture.
Just because you use dancing emoticons doesn't make you an expert on every **** thing on this board.
A great thing was done, I just questioned the picture
Buddy, sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, rather than open ones mouth and remove all doubt!  Dance your bananas around that jackass
2016/02/24 22:39:04
Old dog, it is said a man can withstand 32 degree water for a period of about 15 minutes before he may become disoriented and even unconscious.   Of course that depends on the health of the victim, which in this case, was believed to be a 67 year old gentleman.  Even if had a flotation device keeping him afloat, studies suggest he might have lasted no more than 45 minutes.

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