• Northwest PA
  • Shenango Walleye Stockings / Inland Walleye Program (revisited) (p.2)
2016/02/23 14:26:15
 Sometimes they all (trout) start to die within a hr. or two after gettin' stocked 
2016/02/23 14:57:07
Seems like they should stock some jumbo sized walleye to eat the trout just before they die on July 15th. lol
"At that time, hatchery Trout will either die or leave the area. " Makes it sound like they climb out of the river and hitch hike up to Lake Erie or something.
2016/02/23 15:54:07
interesting response from them.... ive only ever heard of a few people that catch walleye in the lake...where ever a good shore fishing spot is let me know asap! obviously the river the fish are much more accessible especially shore fishing which the majority of fisherman do not have boats to access the lake walleye... i would love to see walleye restocked in the river... it truly was a fun fishery... 
just a side note... when everyone knows that the river is no longer stocked not sure why people keep every legal fish they catch every time they go especially when they are as round as a football clearly stuffed with eggs trying to spawn!  the future of the river is laying in peoples trash cans.. i understand a few fish but 6 is an awful lot for something that is eaten as a novelty and not a necessity
if it was stocked it wouldn't be a problem anyway...
2016/02/23 18:06:00
  The season is closed during the spawn in all rivers in Pa for that reason. Pymy is open all season 'cause part is in Ohio & poor rate ov successful hatch in our lakes unlike natural repo. in our rivers. Maybe  net Carp at the Pmy spillway & stock the river instead ov used for petfood & fertalizer.
hoPe tHIz/halPs;
Pymy had 1,875,000 more fry stocked last yr. from Pa. than you posted, who knows how many Ohio threw in?? Feel better now 
2016/02/23 19:59:54
Troutguy, my problem with stocking trout in rivers and streams with other healthy fish populations is the designation of "Approved Trout Waters" that require non-trout seeking anglers (moi) buy a trout stamp.

I understand where you're coming from. I fish Shenango for a lot of stuff besides trout like bass, catfish, walleye, pike, carp, etc.. And I fish for trout at a ton of other places besides Shenango.........so I'm buying a trout stamp every year no matter what. But if you NEVER target trout anywhere, yeah, I'd be bummed about buying a stamp too.
If a place can't support trout and is only stocked for the rope 'em up opening day crowd.......yeah, I'm against that. Buhl Park for example. But wait!! It's for the kids!!!! Well, they could manage it for bass and panfish.....which are great for getting kids interested in fishing, and usually don't require stocking(so the PFBC saves money). And if they wanted to hook kids on trout fishing, stock cooler streams that can support trout for longer periods of time and make sections for kids only.
At places like Shenango I'm fine with stocking trout because it can support a fine trout fishery from Fall through June. That's a good chunk of the year......not just the opening day rope fest. The only downside is making the strictly non-trout fishermen buy a trout stamp if they want to fish there, but it is what it is.....
Easy to abuse this power; certainly is, find a popular section of water heavily fished by anglers not caring to purchase a trout stamp.  Stock it, define it, without notice to the public so, the PSFBC can require a trout stamp to fish there even if the trout are not the fish being targeted by the angler.

I don't think this is all just to get non-trout fishermen to buy trout stamps so the PFBC can bring in extra money. The total cost of trout stamps don't cover the costs of raising and stocking all the trout in the state. Yeah, by adding a new place to the stocking list you force the warmwater fishermen there to buy stamps(the ones that don't already have a stamp), but you also have to raise extra trout to be stocked at that location.....which costs a lot.
 Sometimes they all (trout) start to die within a hr. or two after gettin' stocked 

Yup. Especially the first hr. or two after in-season stockings
I'm really curious to know what percentage of the walleye in the lower Shenango are wild.
2016/02/23 21:14:55
Seems like they should stock some jumbo sized walleye to eat the trout just before they die on July 15th. lol
"At that time, hatchery Trout will either die or leave the area. " Makes it sound like they climb out of the river and hitch hike up to Lake Erie or something.

I like that post !!!! LMAO  !
Troutguy, I have in the past sent these forum posts to the Fish Biologist in Linesville. I'm sure he's read them and probably does still. They will never comment back and I understand . I want them to read the reports local fishermen discuss . We are on the water much more and see and notice things that effect our fishing future. We all chime in whether we agree or disagree but it's always good information to share.
My whole intention is to hopefully open the Fish Commission eyes to the fact we need to still add some Walleye fingerling stocking to our local rivers both upper and lower Shenango ! Many of us love to river fish and Walleye are an important species to keep in the mix. I don't see how they will continue to excel or hold their numbers without future stockings. Once again is it asking too much to toss in several thousand fingerlings per year ? Seems like our river Walleye population does very well in attaining good growth and size, so something must work very good in our rivers. 
  Again they say they want the biggest and best bang for their buck on stockings .They want people to catch these fish, well maybe they should have been on the river about two weeks ago and did a river survey. They would have had to take turns patting themselves on the back ! The Walleye catch was EPIC and that's being modest. I have never seen so many trophy size Walleye caught in such a short window time. Believe me Pymatuning , Shenango , Wilhelm , Author , could not compare in size ever ....what was seen and caught then ! Citation fish extraordinar  !!! If you were there you witnessed something special that only Shenango River can produce.  This is what fishing is about.....don't let it end ! Keep Walleye stockings alive in our local rivers ! 
2016/02/24 07:19:44
Just a thought......

When local fishermen in my area thought that the PFBC were not stocking enough stripers in Raystown, and there phone calls, letters, going to meetings, etc., both to the PFBC and their state representatives didn't bring about the results they liked, they joined in with the Ratstown Striper Club to petition the PFBC to permit them to buy fingerlings and fry to stock in the lake. Once that permission was granted, they did fund raisers and stocked many times the number of fish that the PFBC did.

Is it an ideal solution to pay your own way with regard to stocking fish that one "thinks" that the PFBC should -- obviously not. But they realized that they were up against an entity that were of the opinion, right or wrong, "trout are King" (and although it is in some people's minds a first day thing, state wide it is not and of all the species of fish stocked by the PFBC, trout by far have the highest participation rate and the rest can be viewed as niche fisheries, not only species wise, but even more so when species is combined with a specific water), prevails.

It might be an approach since beating the dead horse route did get any more stripers stocked and it is doubtful it will get any walleye stocked in the river.

As an interesting note, other locals tried the same approach when the PFBC stopped stocking Lake Trout and Atlantics in Raystown. While they got permission to do so, no one wanted to donate enough to make it happen. There were always enough donations for stripers. In other words, while folks liked the idea of Lakers and Atlantics, they didn't like it enough to pony up a few bucks to keep it going.
2016/02/24 09:39:22
Good input and read.  It's too bad that the PFBC can't get out on the waterways and see and talk to local fishermen for some real local fishing input. Seems like they sit behind desks and crunch numbers while sipping on coffee . I don't like to blast them on all issues I think their Hybrid Striper program is a great success on Shenango and I'm sure on Author as well. Pymatuning offers some fantastic Musky fishing and Walleye ( although slow for me lately ) fishing. I just would like to see more input on our river systems here in Mercer and Crawford county mainly Shenango. People forget that Shenango River extends from Jamestown down to Shenango Lake with little to no fishing pressure because of no game fish. From Sharpsville to New Castle and on down, very little activity. Just seems wrong that they would not consider this on a small stocking schedule when you see the results that do happen in the tailrace area.  
2016/02/24 10:29:08
I like your post Dardys. The Yough Walleye Association did just that on the Yough Dam. They got permission to stock it themselves because the state didn't think it was worthwhile. They stock (or did) annually.There's a decent population of walleye in the Yough dam now.
2016/02/24 13:49:48
Pretty sure, the reason for the trout stamp is because few to nobody, donate money, to keep our waters stocked with the fish.  Exceptions of course would be the clubs and associations having members who enjoy fishing their own little meccas and can dictate the type of fishing permitted, I.e., fly; C/R; artificial bait; etc.  However, even the special interest groups cannot raise the kind of money wasted by the PSFBC with their trout stocking program.
Would be interesting to stock two streams; one heavily with trout and one heavily with bass then take comments from the anglers enjoying a day on the water of their choice.  Of course, the bass stream would need be opened early in the spring as is the trout, to benefit those fishers suffering "cabin fever".  Oh, the bass should be hatchery raised and fed only pellets until such time as they are stocked in waters containing a limited food supply.  This, should ensure, those folks wanting to get out of the house and do some fishing, a favorable day of catching so, they will return until such time other fishes (E.g. crappie, walleye, etc.) become available and/or boats can be launched on area lakes.  
The PSFBC  would now have a new marketing campaign in addition, to the highly overrated and wasteful trout program.  So, the next time you purchase a trout stamp thinking you will be a part of the elite trout anglers society, stop and think, you've merely donated to the PSFBC campaign of selling a fishing license. 
Least not forget that "mortality study" thingy comparing the stocked bass and trout and let's compare, natural reproduction studies as well.
As they say in the old country.............  "Build it and, they will come.
I buy a license, or did, for the privilege to fish the waters of PA. no special stamps should be required to allow for the fishing of any particular species.  I'd support a $5.00 increase in the fee for a general fishing license before I would pay extra for a trout stamp that only supports enormous waste of monies.
Maybe when John Arway completes his pet project with the Susquehanna River (which by the way is a great bass fishery) he will turn his attention to a better MARKETING CAMPAIGN.  

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