• Northwest PA
  • Shenango Walleye Stockings / Inland Walleye Program (revisited)
2016/02/22 22:09:17
I know I'm beating a dead horse but here's the latest response from the Fish Commission. Once again they answer me with the usual justified response . They make it sound like this program is going to be better for the local Shenango fishermen even though less fish are being stocked in the future. Reminds of the same bull you hear at work " We don't want you to work harder, just smarter ! "  Yea right.....!
Here is their response:
We have no plans to decrease the stocking of Walleyes in Shenango River Lake.  In fact, beginning in spring of 2014, we doubled our stocking of Walleye fingerlings in Shenango River Lake.  Prior to 2014, the lake had been allocated 10 fingerlings per acre totaling 36,000 fish.  The new Walleye Plan adopted in 2011 by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission set the minimum stocking level for large reservoirs at 20 fingerlings per acre; therefore, we anticipate stocking 72,000 Walleye fingerlings per year for the foreseeable future.
We evaluate the success of these stockings every September by night electrofishing in the reservoir.  We have done quite well and have met the guidelines in the Walleye Plan in most years.  Unfortunately, because of a production shortfall within our hatcheries in 2015, Shenango River Lake and many other Pennsylvania waters didn’t receive their allocation of Walleye fingerlings.  We plan to continue to stock approximately 72,000 fingerlings per year for Shenango River Lake.
            The situation in the Shenango River below Shenango Dam is a little more complicated. 
            Regarding the statement that we are using the PCB excuse to not stock Walleye, but still stock hatchery Trout in the same area, the difference between stocking adult hatchery Trout and Walleye fingerlings in this section of the river is bio-accumulation.  Adult hatchery Trout are stocked in April, May and October.  They can only survive in this section of river until the cold water release from the bottom of Shenango Dam runs out of cold water, which happens every year around July 15th.  At that time, hatchery Trout will either die or leave the area.  The maximum residence time in the river for the October fish is only 8 months which is not long enough for them to bio accumulate PCBs in their flesh that would warrant any level of Consumption Advisory. 
            Walleyes, on the other hand, are stocked as one inch fingerlings.  It takes three to four years for them to grow to the minimum harvest size of 15 inches.  Over that time, their diet will consist of insects and fish, all of which will contain some amount of PCBs.  PCBs accumulate in the tissues of the Walleye.  Testing by the Department of Environmental Protection shows that the levels of PCBs in Walleye flesh from the Shenango River warrant a Consumption Advisory under the Great Lakes Protocols. 
            We made the decision that stocking Walleye fingerlings in Shenango River Lake was a better use of this hatchery product compared to the river because of the Consumption Advisory and because of the year ‘round fishery they would provide in the reservoir as compared to a more seasonal fishery in the river.  Also, angler access to Shenango River Lake is much better than it is to the river.   Should water quality improve and hatchery production increase, we can re-visit this issue in the future.
My stocking chart below............
Shenango Lake got 1800 fingerling Walleye 2015
Pymatuning Lake got 293,000 fingerling Walleye 2015 / plus 4 million fry
Shenango River got 0 in the past 8 years ! 
Maybe it's me, but what would it hurt to put a lousy 3,000 fingerlings in Shenango River every year !
Is that asking too much for all the fishermen who enjoy river fishing over lake fishing ?
Local kids and adults who don't have a car or boat to drive up to or on the lake ?
People who don't ice fish or when ice is too thin ? Never seen this river freeze up (open fishing all year )
2 Bars close by so when the fishing sucks ! ( been full lately ) LOL......I give up....again !
2016/02/22 22:17:01

2016/02/22 22:28:22
nice pictures
2016/02/23 07:19:08
Brock the PSFBC would never ever want to see you give up, they just want to see you go away.
Wonderful story regarding the waste of anglers money stocking trout that won't survive because the cooler water temperature from the bottom of the lake will not last beyond the middle of July.  However, the cooler waters do return, I have to assume, in October which permits continued wasting of anglers money.  I wonder, what might be the ratio to money spent stocking a fish that can't survive, to the number of anglers purchasing a trout stamp in order to fish the Shenango River? Which brings me to a compound question; is the stocking of trout in the Shenango River cost effective and for whom?
As for the fish consumption advisories, the PSFBC should do just that, advise and, let the angler decide for themselves how much of any one type of fish he/she would care to eat. In my book, if a guy can eat a stocked trout and survive, trace amounts of anything in other fish ain't gonna matter! 
I think you already know, you are not alone, having  seen a once fine fishery totally destroyed through the folly's of the PSFBC.  All one needs to do is read the comments posted, on this forum alone, to see how many of our lakes and streams have completely changed, from what they once were.
Last but not least, I hope you had available when you received your response from the PSFBC, a large tube of "Ardent Reel Butter". 
2016/02/23 07:58:28
Great read guys! Don't give up pursuing answers from The Fish and Boat Commission, I too get upset with some of the excuses we hear concerning area waterways............the reasoning given concerning large fish kills in Pymatuning and Conneaut Lake always has bothered me, and to this day I am sure it was NOT due to some crazy disease, bacteria, or the temperature of the water! It's called carelessness with weed killer..........Anyone who witnessed any of the 3 or 4 fish kills at these bodies of water, I am sure would agree! I am NOT blaming the PSFBC for these tragedies, just hope in the future they can prevent them from ever happening again......
2016/02/23 08:29:31
John, and to all concerned this is the E-Mail I sent out to our local State Representative Mark Longeitti. I just wanted him to be aware of these issues within our local area. I just don't think it's fair that one area receives such a lions share of stocking and another area receives crumbs when it comes to the Walleye Inland Stocking Program. Our local waters, (Shenango Lake and Shenango River ) generate a ton of tax revenue, as well as fishing revenue, and I think deserve much more stocking then what this program allows.
To: Longietti, Mark < MLongiet@pahouse.net>
Subject: Re: Fish Stockings in Mercer County

Mark , I thank you for the response but again it's nothing more then their excuse to lower stockings in our local waters ! I've read these same lame excuses on their internet site and they don't hold up with our local fishermen. Shenango River is by far the best Walleye fish producer in our Mercer County area and they now stock zero since 2007 ! I've fished the Shenango Lake many a day and it's never produced catch ratios like our river has for many years. The word of no Walleye stocking for Shenango River has made many local and out of town fishermen very upset. Fishing in this area will only decrease as well as the Shenango Lake with these major cutbacks. Less fishermen, less dollars spent in our area , less tax revenue taken in by local business . It won't take long for fishermen to abandon fishing locally and look for outside areas to fish once these cuts are felt. When I was a youngster it was always a thrill to fish locally and catch Walleye because they are a prime target fish. Young and old fishermen enjoy Walleye because of their highly good taste quality. Shame we have to loose out because of mismanagement of funds.
    I have to laugh about their PBC concerns now ! For over 40 years they stocked our local Shenango River with Walleye when Westinghouse , Sharon Tube, Wheatland Tube , Sharon Steel , and the Landfill Dump , were all using and abusing our waterway , no concerns then ! They dredged the Sharon Shenango River area at a multi million dollar project removing hazard bottom material and sludge. Got an A+ from the EPA after the project completion, now it's an issue ! That river is as clean as any in our area and like they said our local fish carry the same warning as Lake Erie Walleye....big deal !  That's  nothing new in our fishing news. What a joke on water quality !  Pymatuning Lake , flows into Shenango Lake , on into Shenango River. Oh by the way, I believe all of our drinking water comes from the lower Shenango River ! So where are all the PCB's coming from  ? Pymatuning  ?
   I guess I was hoping you might be able to pressure them for more stocking again in our area but I see it's not likely to happen. I was hoping to spread the word that Mark Longietti is going to help our local kids and outdoor sportsmen and keep our local river stocked with plenty of good eating Walleye into the future like we had for the past 40-50 years ! Once again our sportsmen in Mercer County loose out at both Shenango Lake, and Shenango River with cutbacks that only carry poor excuses. Hope you can push for more fish in our Mercer County area and keep this kind of fishing alive into the future......        Thanks ,    
 *  Once again I have no real beef with Pymatuning numbers but lets be realistic with putting "some " into Shenango River. Pymatuning is only a 20 minute ride for me, but I as well as many others enjoy river style current fishing both at Pymatuning, and Shenango outflows.     
2016/02/23 09:48:30
Ya can add Wilhelm into the mix also Loby and I'm afraid I do hold the PSFBC* responsible for the fish kill.  
While the aquatic herbicides are not (suppose to be) toxic to fish themselves, the drastic changes to the water chemistry, does weaken the fish and makes them susceptible to attack by disease/bacteria.
Last I knew, aquatic plants  provide oxygen, habitat and, keep water temperature cooler.  Without aquatic plants, less dissolved oxygen; no habitat which affects the food chain and survival of new born fry, and fingerling fishes, and; allows the water temperatures to become even warmer which increases the bacteria/disease that attack the stressed fish.
When questioned why the weeds are being annihilated with herbicides, we hear the plants are so thick and matted they are chocking the lakes.  When asked why these weeds were never really a problem in the past, we are told these weeds are of a variety that does more harm than good and they are a species capable of reproducing. 
In addition, for the aquatic herbicide to work, the plants must be present which means we now have rotting plant material laying at the bottom of the lake no longer producing oxygen but, nasty contaminates not conducive to healthy fish and I hear certain species of algae just love that stuff.  
Add to this, fishes weakened by lack of oxygen, water temperature exceeding fish tolerances, no natural habitat, water quality aiding in the growth of bacteria/disease/algae(s) and "estupendo" we have a PSFBC* fishery that won't sustain minimal requirements (set by the PSFBC*) for stocking of certain fish.
*PennStateFishandBoatCommission.  Ever wonder why you see 2 to 3 biologist but, seldom see more then one (if that) law enforcement officer on the water?
For the younger generation who today, enjoy our lakes and streams, ya should of seen it 25 years ago.
Brock I don't know much about the fishery at Shenango Lake or on the river but I do know, from the stories I've heard and the pictures you have posted, you have every right to be concerned about the future of the river.  
The river is just another waterway/fishery that has become victim to the "Fish Specific Waters" program engineered by the biologist of the PFBC which in my book was brought on, by special interest groups/clubs.  That program was a total flop and was abandoned leaving many of our waters totally destroyed of a once great fishery.  Wilhelm, Shenango River/Reservoir, walleye fishing at Pymie to name a few, have all shown a change for the worse over the past 10 to 20 years.
Thank you for taking the time to forward your experience and knowledge to our legislators in hopes of saving our lakes and streams from further corruption. I plan to follow your lead and forward my concerns regarding the lame excuses and bogus reports generated by an agency that sets standards they don't intend to reach regarding the stocking of our waterways.
One of the first questions I will ask is why the hell the PFBC, under the direct guidance of John Arway, is doing work of the EPA involving the supposedly highly contaminated Susquehanna River?   There's a story you would find interesting, from the reports of hermaphrodite bass to John Arway being railroaded into office.  
I began reading  bogus reports being generated regarding the Susquehanna in the magazine "PA OUTDOORS" about 10 years ago and got so pizzed, I quit buying the paper.  Now what-do-yo-know, we have a SOS program with the project being the "pet" of John Arway.
I gotta go, my therapist is on the phone.
2016/02/23 11:38:47
"We made the decision that stocking Walleye fingerlings in Shenango River Lake was a better use of this hatchery product compared to the river because of the Consumption Advisory and because of the year ‘round fishery they would provide in the reservoir as compared to a more seasonal fishery in the river.  Also, angler access to Shenango River Lake is much better than it is to the river."

Is this guy serious?!!! Walleye can be caught all year in the river. Unless you have a boat, catching walleye year-round in the lake would be rather difficult. And even if you have a boat, I've heard that Shenango Lake isn't exactly the easiest lake to figure out in regards to walleye. I'm not saying they should quit stocking the lake......they SHOULD continue to stock the lake with a lot walleye. It's a great walleye fishery if you can figure it out(from what I hear from experienced guys). But for anglers without a boat, walleye are a lot more readily available to catch/target in the river. Right now I assume all the walleye in the lower river either get washed out from the lake, are wild, or possibly swim up from the Beaver and Mahoning watersheds. The Shenango River, especially in Sharpsville, gets a crap ton of fishing pressure. And a lot of those guys target walleye. Yeah.....bright idea to not stock it   Access and fishing pressure is more than enough to justify stocking.
As for the fish consumption advisories, the PSFBC should do just that, advise and, let the angler decide for themselves how much of any one type of fish he/she would care to eat. In my book, if a guy can eat a stocked trout and survive, trace amounts of anything in other fish ain't gonna matter!

Exactly!!!! This in my opinion is just another example that the PFBC is mostly concerned about anglers that harvest fish. I'm not against the selective harvest of walleye and I have kept walleye before(they sure are tasty compared to rubber trout), but what about C&R anglers??? Ohh......these fish aren't safe to eat, so let's not stock them. If ya can't eat 'em what's the point in catching them   If you do want to keep fish, just know how much is a healthy amount to eat, and release the others. That's what these fish consumption advisories are for. If people don't want to listen to them and they end up getting sick because they're eating river fish every day, that's their problem.
In regards to the trout, I personally think that section of the Shenango River is a great place for a stocked trout fishery.......if managed properly. The water is cold enough from fall through early summer, and there is plenty of food available(caddis galore, which the trout take full advantage of) so I don't think the trout compete much with the other fish populations. The trout are a great added bonus.
I've said this a million times, but the PFBC should NOT stock streams that already have wild populations of trout, especially streams that contain the STATE FISH.......native brook trout!!!! The PFBC continues to stock places that should not be stocked, yet cut stockings at places that need stocked in order to provide a trout fishery......such as Shenango(no more winter stockings). And fall stockings across the state are almost down to nothing
And guess what...  If you think it's silly that they stock Shenango, you know where some/all of those fish that used to be stocked in the winter are now going? Frickin' BUHL PARK!!!!! The Shenango can support a fine trout fishery from October through June, and at Buhl Park the trout are only there for the opening day rope 'em up slay fest. Strictly put and take......better off opening up the hatcheries for fishing. This type of stuff, coupled with stocking over wild trout, really angers me.
2016/02/23 11:58:30
I wonder if the PFBC folks ever read these posts. I really hope they do
2016/02/23 14:12:18
Troutguy, my problem with stocking trout in rivers and streams with other healthy fish populations is the designation of "Approved Trout Waters" that require non-trout seeking anglers (moi) buy a trout stamp.  I can't fish those waters in fear that I may hook an unsuspecting trout of which I would release.  But, that trout may be injured and not survive the ordeal and I would then be breaking the law by causing the death of a fish that doesn't stand a chance in hell of surviving the environment in the first place.   To me, that's forcing people to buy an stamp (a/k/a being taxed) to fish waters they already paid to fish.  
Keep in mind, written in the books, is a paragraph allowing the PSFBC to stock and designate trout waters wherever, whenever and, without notification if in their mind, the water can sustain trout for a given period of time.  One defense people such as myself had was the waters could not sustain trout and the fish was not natural to a body of water and should not be designated trout water.  That defense was shot down because the "biologist" know more then the common joe so, if the biologist say a trout can survive in a body of water, so be it!  
Easy to abuse this power; certainly is, find a popular section of water heavily fished by anglers not caring to purchase a trout stamp.  Stock it, define it, without notice to the public so, the PSFBC can require a trout stamp to fish there even if the trout are not the fish being targeted by the angler.
But wait.......   special interest groups or perhaps powers to be are demanding more trout(or bigger, more costly trout) be stocked in their favorite waters and suddenly there is mortality studies conducted on other once popular trout streams saying, gee the trout don't seem to be able to survive those streams so, no more stocking there.
The study I like best is the one where mortality exceeds the amount of fish caught.  Not hard to believe that report, seeing how the numbers of anglers drop sharply after the first week of opening season and there is no longer thousands of anglers, trying to catch the thousands of trout still being stocked.
Just think, the amount of money spent (supposedly)  for trout that  die after being dumped in waters where they have absolutely no chance of surviving but, for a few months.
What a sorry waste of money. 

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