2016/04/08 22:39:47
No because it is a possession limit
2016/04/08 22:46:01
Ok so maby not the pa/Ohio 2 limit part but I don't see the after 12 part being not legal, be tuff to explain that forsure
2016/04/08 22:50:20
Captain I agree, great topic along with good responses too and, the question can be related to other limits as well.  
Of course with me it's an unlikely situation, Hell I catch one Walleye, I'm headed home to post the picture!
PS.  Do have to agree with Outasync.
2016/04/08 23:25:37
Big Tuna
The last time I fished at the spillway a few years back, I started fishing around 4 pm and limited out at 11 pm. I told the warden at I intended to fish the next day,and if it was alright to put my fish in a cooler in my van,and fish after midnight. He said yes. I had a not so good experience back in the 70's at the NUT, for some reason back then people fish all night for steelhead/ salmon. I limited out before midnight,and bagged my 3 fish and put them in the cooler ice in my van. At midnight I started fishing again after catching a nice fish,I was approached by a warden and ask to meet him in the building.He claimed.I caught over my limit, I told him that the 3 in the cooler where before 12.am and this one was after.He actually felt the fish in the cooler and said they where not cold enough to be from yesterday. I tried to tell him they where only in where about a little over and hour but he wasn't buying it. He saw me catch the fish after midnight and suggested a field settlement,because the hearing if I wanted one would be the first day of buck gun season.lol I agreed to the payment on the spot,but new I did nothing wrong. I think it was like a $35 fine. Funny thing he never even gave me a receipt.lol I was young and dumb.lol It was the only bust I've ever had.lol
2016/04/09 07:27:24
Big Tuna, I had a somewhat similar experience with a game warden back in '76.  I was duck hunting Siegel Marsh; this is when the wire was around the small lake there and you couldn't cross it for any reason.  I downed a bird and the way it landed, half was on the ground on the other side of the wire.  Really didn't know what to do until another hunter came up and told me I could retrieve it.  So I did.  And as soon as I did that other hunter whipped out his badge and proceeded to write me a $25 fine for crossing the wire.  When I went in to pay the fine I told Andy Martin (y'all remember that SOB?), the guy told me I could get that bird and Martin's only response was "he never said that".  I've had zero respect for these A-holes since.  I hope the $25 was worth it.
2016/04/09 08:35:12
Great debate guys but I think the answer is only one limit. Read below. Pulled it from the PA regulations section of the book you
get with you license. So if you if you fished from one night into the next morning sounds like that is still considered one trip.
"To have on a stringer or in a container or otherwise in possession, while in or along waters of the Commonwealth or immediately returning therefrom, more than the daily creel limit of any fish for one person"
Tight lines!,
2016/04/09 08:48:06
Big Tuna
Although I'm an old man 63,I was once just an off the wall sportsmen,hunting and fishing anywhere or any state , I was there in a drop of a dime. I seen a lot of shady things by fish wardens and game wardens through the years. Some of you guys might have respect for them,but I lost that years ago. Two high light events,two deputies shot a doe road hunting,never even got out of the truck,bang right out window. The other event,I was bow hunting,sitting in my ladder stand,I witnessed a warden approach my van,then he walks around my van and tried opening all my doors of my van. He's shielding his eyes looking to steal something. I wanted to get down and approach him but minutes later I killed a big 8 pts that I had been watching for a few days. I personally confronted him a few days later and informed him I made a report with the state police and had contacted and attorney. He never bothered me again. It's funny I've only seen these actions by Pa. wardens.  I'm sure other states have bad wardens. I'm not saying all are bad,but it certainly changes your opinions of all of them.
2016/04/09 09:43:21
Big Steve
As others have said it's possession limit.

I think this would be the applicable rule,
To catch, kill, or possess more than one day’s limit of any fish, except:
(a) at your residence, and
(b) you may possess two days’ limit while traveling to your residence from an overnight fishing trip of two or more consecutive days.

As always, if you have any questions get a written response from the pfbc.
2016/04/09 10:16:18
Basically nobody knows for sure what the exact law is. With two different states sharing the same lake such as Pymatuning or Erie. I'm not talking in a boat, I know you can't take over the state limit to shore even possessing two state license's. Other wise charters would being offering that option for state border fishing on Erie.  I'm talking driving into that state separately and fishing and keeping fish the same day, same lake. Just curious don't plan on doing it, but I think it would be legal with certain stipulations......maybe not too ! 
2016/04/09 11:16:05
Seasons, sizes and creel limits – Except for trout season, which begins at 8 a.m., all regulatory periods in the fishing regulations are based on the calendar day, one of which ends at midnight and the next of which begins immediately thereafter.
  • To possess, to introduce or import, transport, sell, purchase, offer for sale or barter the following live species in the Commonwealth: snakehead (all species), Black Carp, Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, Zebra Mussel, Quagga Mussel, European Rudd, Ruffe, Rusty Crayfish, Round Goby and Tubenose Goby. (More information about Aquatic Invasive Species)
  • To fish with more than three fishing lines at any time when fishing for gamefish, baitfish or both.
  • To fish (includes taking baitfish and fishbait) from March 1 to 8:00 a.m. on the opening day of trout season in any stocked trout water. Excepted are certain specially regulated waters and "in-season only" stocked waters.
  • To take, or attempt to take fish, or keep fish accidentally caught, by snatch-fishing, foul hooking or snag fishing. Handfishing is not permitted.
  • To catch, kill, or possess more than one day’s limit of any fish, except:
    (a) at your residence, and
    (b) you may possess two days’ limit while traveling to your residence from an overnight fishing trip of two or more consecutive days.
  • To have on a stringer or in a container or otherwise in possession, while in or along waters of the Commonwealth or immediately returning therefrom, more than the daily creel limit of any fish for one person.
  • To fail to immediately return unharmed to the waters from which it was taken, any fish caught out of season, or undersize, or over the daily creel limit. Any fish placed on a stringer, in any container or given away, counts toward the possession limit of the person having caught it, and the person to whom it was given.
  • To kill any fish and fail to make a reasonable effort to lawfully dispose of it.
  • To fish in, or within 100 feet of, the entrance or exit points of any fishway, including fish ladders and other fish passage facilities.
  • To use gamefish as bait except when taken by rod and reel or handline in conformance with seasons, sizes and creel limits or when purchased from an authorized bait dealer.
  • To sell baitfish or fishbait taken from waters of the Commonwealth, except that licensed and authorized commercial fishermen may take and sell baitfish from Lake Erie and Presque Isle Bay.
  • To sell baitfish or fishbait within the Commonwealth, or transport same out of the state, except by authorized and licensed commercial bait dealers.
  • To sell any species of fish, reptile (with the exception of Snapping Tturtles) or amphibian taken from the Commonwealth.
  • To sell, offer for sale, purchase or barter any fish parts or fish eggs obtained from fish taken from waters of this Commonwealth including boundary waters. This prohibition does not apply to fish parts or fish eggs:
    (1) lawfully taken or sold or offered for sale by holders of Lake Erie commercial fishing licenses if the particular species of fish is authorized for taking by commercial licensees, or
    (2) those obtained from fish taken lawfully from waters outside of this Commonwealth.
  • To release any species of fish, except those listed as approved by the Fish & Boat Commission, in Commonwealth waters without written permission from the executive director of the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission.
  • To place an obstruction in any waterway that blocks the free movement of fish.
  • To use or have in possession while on or along Commonwealth waters, nets larger than 4 feet square or in diameter except with a special permit issued by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission.
  • To conduct an organized fishing tournament in which there are 10 or more participants without apermit issued by the Commission. Applications must be submitted 60 days before the date of the proposed tournament. Fishing tournaments may not be conducted for a species of fish during the closed season for that species. Unless a special exemption is granted, fishing tournaments may not be conducted on the opening day of the season for any species of game fish. Contact the nearest regional headquarters for further information and permit applications.
  • To conduct an organized fishing tournament and fail to submit an accurate fishing tournament catch report when required.
  • To conduct a tagged fishing tournament in boundary waters without a permit issued by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission.
  • To throw, leave, discard or deposit litter, debris or trash of any kind in or along waters or lands adjacent to or contiguous to waters of the Commonwealth.
  • To obstruct the ingress, egress or regress to a person’s property, cattleways or fields.
  • To dig in or drive upon any lands.
  • To cut or damage trees or shrubs.
  • To build or tend open fires without permission.
  • To run any vehicle, except fording in the most direct manner, in any stream.
  • To interfere with officers authorized to enforce the Fish and Boat Code in the performance of their duties or to refuse to accompany any officer after having been arrested for a violation of the Fish and Boat Code.
IF A VIOLATION OCCURS...Persons accused of violating the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Code or rules and regulations may be issued a citation and have a right to a hearing before a district justice. Law enforcement personnel have the authority to confiscate or seize as evidence fish and fishing equipment that are illegal or used to violate fishing laws or regulations. The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission may, upon proper notice, suspend or revoke the fishing privileges, boating privileges or other permits of any person convicted (or acknowledging guilt) of a violation of the Fish and Boat Code or Fish & Boat Commission regulations.
If you have been convicted of or plead guilty to a second or subsequent violation within a 12-month period, you may be assessed an additional fine of $200 for those offenses classified as summary offenses.

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