2016/04/08 16:29:22
Interesting thought we came up with say I catch my 6 before 12am can you keep 6 more after 12am technically it's a new day? And say I'm out on a boat I have both Ohio and p.a. licenses can I keep 12? I'm saying yes to both but it was a question we came up with I figured I'd ask, p.s. iv never kept 12 I'm lucky to catch 1 lol
2016/04/08 17:18:36
 Done it many times pre 12:00, post 12:00. It's a new day plain & simple.
2016/04/08 17:32:33
Indiana Lou
Thunderpole,, technically you may be right on the first question but I sure wouldn't want to try to explain how I caught those fish before midnight and those others after. As far as the second question, I would think you have to abide by the rules where you put in from that  particular state. Again not sure the hassle and fines would be worth the extra fish. Pymatuning would be a prime example but I don't think you can keep limits from both states. I do know you can fish either side with either license but I don't think you can legally keep fish for both sides. Where as on Erie if you are going to fish the Ohio side you need to have an Ohio license with you. And lets not get in to Canadian waters! Be interesting if a WCO on the site might enlighten us. Personally keeping six is plenty enough to clean along with a nice batch of perch.  Lou
2016/04/08 17:42:41
Yea I forgot to put pyme in there, but I really don't see why you couldn't keep 12 if you got both licenses I mean your legal but I'd like to see if he says what the law is, I mean the fish rant marked pa/oh I just thought this was an interesting questions, like say I bang 6 real fast on p.a. side I can go over and fish Ohio I got 12 fish now Idk
2016/04/08 18:06:52
I can't speak for Pa. but I was told in Ohio by a warden that if you come into Conneaut with more than an Ohio limit you would have some explaining till you could prove you did not catch over the limit in Ohio.
He basically said how can you prove you didn't keep over an Ohio limit.
Your best bet would be catch a limit in one state, clean and store that states limit and tow the boat to the other state and fish.  I would think that's the only way you might be able to do it if you were checked.
2016/04/08 18:14:04
I believe for either state on pymatuning 6 is your possession limit.
2016/04/08 18:43:16
I would think you could catch six before midnight and six after, the former being your creel limit for the first day and the latter being your creel/possession limit.  Course I don't know how you would put a time stamp on them to prove what time you caught them!!
As far as Pymatuning and keeping six for your Ohio License and Six for your Pa license, I would say that would be a big NO.  The ability to use either license is an agreement between the two states to extend the courtesy to fisherman to avoid having to buy an out of state license.  The law that allows six walleyes is for the Lake of Pymatuning, not for the license of the state you are from!  The body of water carries the restrictions or allowances, i.e. size, number, open or closed seasons..not the license.  The license merely permits you to fish a body of water
2016/04/08 21:54:17
Sure would like to be there when you try explaining why you have 12 walleyes in your possession after 12 AM. I'd record it and put it online so everyone else to get a good laugh too. Of course you won't like the fine after all that explaining . Good luck with that.
2016/04/08 22:34:47
Good debate going here. I would say what if you parked in Pa.(PYMY) and fished with no boat from shore and kept a limit ,then drove over to Ohio (PYMY) and parked and fished and kept a few more. Might that be legal ?  Of course you must have both states licenses.     
2016/04/08 22:39:13
See now I got all your minds turning lol

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