2014/11/18 11:46:41
Trev,that Manson thing is a real joke,he is a mass murderer and somehow he has developed a relationship with a women and is getting married,will he enjoy a honeymoon in a penthouse cell? He and all other murderers should be executed with -in 6 months,how's that?
2014/11/18 12:14:23
hot tuna
I do not condone snagging anywhere....period!If the DEC would get SERIOUS about enforcing the rules that are there now and HEAVILY fine blatant snaggers the problem would go away.That's my take on it but this whole issue is getting old and I'm not too far from forgetting the "world class" Salmon River for good.

Jack and Trev ,
Like db said, we are just throwing darts . I don't agree with snagging, snatching or the lifters.
Folks that go there to fish get super disgusted at the clowns who just go there to " hook " and feel great about themselves . It ruins the experience of many including myself. It seems to go unpunished and excepted all up and down the river. They are everywhere from the whalers in the estuary, through the DSR and in zoned areas.
Givin the free reign they spread out polluting the entire river system.
The joke or dart is , why not corall them under a big top like L-13 said . While it makes no sense , in joking it does.

I'm not quite to the stage of never fishing the river any longer but I sure limit my exposure . Still being able to catch salmonoid s , all be it boring fishing , the lake is my new calling to the area .
2014/11/18 12:18:07
Its just another example of wrongdoers getting over with permission of Govt at the expense of the rest of us.
How dare us to even think of violating Mansons 'rights' to a happy marriage to his beloved   lol.
In that example of the school bully I gave they wouldnt deal with the 'issue' because the future murderer kid would have to be sent to a pvt school for kids with behavioral issues at school boards expense--budget budget.
The rest of us get the shaft while the bad guys get what they want.
 Snag away- its ok.
Nobody has the budget to  hire enough wardens to care for the issue.
I understand it but don't like it- same thing on all the Great Lake tribs from what I read- likely in Canada too.
That Warden show on TV had a half hour  on the same thing in the beloved promised ground-Alaska. Showed guys rippin away like the ballpark. In that show they got pinched.
OK - I'm done with this --blood pressure goin up.
2014/11/18 16:15:53
OK--what in the world makes anyone think that a snagging season and special zone would make ALL the lifters and snaggers go 'fishing' only  then and only in that area ????
IMHO it would only serve to make many think its permissible and OK to do just as they think now==the madness would only be reinforced.

2014/11/18 17:34:24
2014/11/18 17:42:09
Clint S
I was more thinking from the estuary to the black hole. Let them pay 75$ to snag...........
As far as my second choice would be from 81 bridge to the 2a bridge. Little impact on the towns, drift boats, guides  and it is far from the best spawning areas. Single hook only and you must keep what you bring in and once you get your three you are done (until you take them to your car). After that minimum 500$ fine, 2 year revocation and your tackle gets impounded and sold at auction in the spring. Funds from auction go to river enhancement.  No trout to be kept too.
2014/11/18 17:53:12
Regardless of where NYS authorizes legal snagging the collateral damage done to trout, steel and Atlantics may be too detrimental to the fishery.
2014/11/18 17:55:54
Clint S
I totally agree with that Gerry. I would not sign a petition to legalize.
2014/11/18 18:52:21
2014/11/20 22:12:32
hot tuna
2 packaged and processed , 8 to go and that's just with a bang stick. Gosh I hope the current regs stay on par.

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