Its a real problem in our society that whenever an illegal activity gets out of hand, govt, instead of facing the enforcement reality and costs, makes it legal.
Generally with some kind of fee or added tax into a general fund that does nothing to alleviate the initial issue.
Those who were 'doing right' in the first place are therefore subdued and understandably frustrated by the permissive nature of what happens-and have no further recourse or reason to keep complaining.
The issue is therefore now a NON ISSUE. No more legit complaints - no more issue.
The complaintents are now the WRONG people cause now its legal.
No wonder folks do what they want when they want regardless of law.
Awwwww its OK little Johnny- you can keep kicking the girl who sits in front of you--its her fault- we will get HER a padded seat so your activity isn't a problem anymore.
There was a real bully problem with a kid who had 'issues' in a local grade school- They 'fixed' it by having teachers walk with the victims. TRUE. Now the victims felt even more singled out -- the kids stopped complaining about the bully. Issue GONZO.
On the flip side -Lucky makes some good points.