2014/11/17 12:30:49
2014/11/17 14:01:34
hot tuna
Yup they are massively confusing for sure.
The way I understand is the underlined paragraph is the proposed change so yes they are adding the 2 hook points to a fly.. Does that mean 2 separate flies with 1 hook point each also ? Or just 2 points on one shank ?
Have no idea the reasoning , maybe some TU guys want to use articulating flies with 2 hooks ? Or double chez nymph rigs ? Or maybe the jail water is expecting a HUGE Atlantic run next year and are pushing for exclusive rights for world class Atlantic Salmon fishing using traditional Salmon flies .
Either way I don't get it ..

No Lucky, they are not already set in stone as the 7 ice device proposal was shot down last year but is back on the table again but if passed wouldn't go into effect until April -1-2015 ( sadly ice season is closed 4-1)
2014/11/17 14:30:28
2014/11/17 14:34:42
i would think they mean spey flies...but there is the problem....i think

2014/11/17 16:02:58
double or treble hooked salmon flies were traditionally used with no weight on a floating double taper or weight forward. They do give a better pull and ride for your wet flies if used the traditional way.
2014/11/17 18:27:28
Clint S
I see they changed the regs on endangered fish too.  I started a pretty large discussion on MFF last year or so about this pic here:
The regs were gray about what you could do with an endangered fish and if you could even take it out of the water for a pic.  I even called district 7 office and asked if I caught a sturgeon could I get a quick pic, there were alot of  dancing around and they said it was up to the officer if the fish was mishandled. They are crystal clear now, this would defiantly be a ticketable offense.
2014/11/17 20:14:11
hot tuna
Well I guess it's our opportunity to voice an opinion.
I'm all for a 7 device clarification towards ice fishing.
The 3 rod rule was made geared to open water.
Hardwater guys " tweaked " the regs and made dead sticks with triggers , hence working the regs.
Ain't no way I could run 2, let alone 3 jig rods but I could enjoy the opportunity of 6 tip- ups and 1 jig rod . A bonus for the water walker .
Dang, I'm thinking ice already for a reg that may not matter till next 2015-16 season.
Silly me

Unless one is back trolling plugs ( a dying art with crowds these days ) , more then 1 hook point on a Great Lakes trib is just a TOOL ,a snaggers tool .
That coho last time I was out engulfed my 1980's wee wart backtrolled , right in front of the Jailwater LOVED It !!!!!
2014/11/17 20:32:31
hot tuna
Ps ,
In response to db's correct observation of traditional unweighted double salmon flies .
Do you think they would work for a GL trib ? And when and where ?
I know the Champlain tribs they are still in effect. Pressure is light for super sparse returns and a catch is an extremely rare occurrence.
Do you think a high return rate of GL fish in a pressured environment an extra hook point would increase success givin weight is allowed ?
Do you think no weight allowed would bring a better fishing environment , experience in a zoned area ?
Just throwing it out .

I'm kinda feeling a snag only zone might be the way to go again .
2014/11/18 00:57:13
I think weight completely takes away from the whole purpose of using a double hook I would think. I wouldn't mind seeing a snagging zone open up from sept. 15th til maybe Oct. 7 or 15... It would really even a lot if the bull**** out I believe.
2014/11/18 02:18:13

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