2014/11/13 06:35:07
The sky was going to fall when they ended snagging.
It didn't.
Small blip.
Then more fishermen started showing up.
Then the dedicated snaggers came back figuring ways around the laws.
The law keeps getting tweeked in an attempt to fix the newest loop hole and the game begins again.
The legislature has to stiffen the fines or more enforcement is useless.
Make it hurt and target enforcement for a while till the word spreads and actions will change.
Lifters and liners will will lessen and then more fishermen will replace them in a little while.
2014/11/13 07:02:22
When Region 8 Fisheries Manager Bill Abraham answered my objection to the snagging rampant 30 years ago on non-salmon steelhead streams like IC by saying, " A lot of people like snagging", I angered the old timers at the TU meeting where this took place, by responding, " A lot of people like raping and murdering, too, but we don't  condone those activities as a society or look the other way."  If you give Rome to the Visigoths, there is no more Rome!  But this is the American way anymore, when a nut case uses a tool to commit bedlam, take away everyone's tools, but when a bunch of low life no morals people create a thorny enforcement problem, well, there's no harm there, just ignore it and it will go away. 
2014/11/13 07:10:46
Clint S
I have the biggest issue with the worst of the worst. The stealth s****s and liners I definitely could live without, but the $#it show has to stop.  You know the type. The hunters, the chasers, standing in front of a 2 foot deep pool at in the brook and creek and just rip.  The herders, rock throwers, basically 95% of the people fishing in TB or OC.  
2014/11/13 07:21:58
Which is why there was a move to basically close those tribs to fishing a few years past.  
2014/11/13 07:31:48
I don't condone it -I  just realize it aint going away.
2014/11/13 08:19:36
Wouldn't it be nice if, those responsible for law enforcement, had extra help (deputies) this time of year and their pay based on each ticket they write?   But, you might hear, we don't want to be harsh with our enforcement, we don't want to scare business away.  It would be such an easy fix if those who could fix the problem would stop hiding under................. "if it ain't broke; don't fix it" !
Don't fish for salmon, steel, etc. but, I sure feel your pain.
Enjoy your pictures and comments..............  Hang in there; better days are coming..................  some day!
2014/11/13 08:23:29
hot tuna
Well it really has to go away or many good fishers will. Myself I'm tired of it and have no desire to join the " experience ". If folks want to truly have a sustainable economy towards the fishery , it must go away.

We encountered a young lad on the river dragging 2 salmon along while he outright was snagging fish. He made no attempt to fish, only snag. The sad part was that we assumed his father was across from him and probably taught him that way. What a Shame..
It really pizzed our church going brother off into telling him if he caught our lines he would get very wet..
I felt the same way and that's just not how I wish to enjoy myself at what should be fishing..
A big reason I invested into the Daisy Mae
2014/11/13 08:33:37
Rg... I hear ya man. Its like trying to change the politics of this convoluted country we live in...
2014/11/13 09:36:18
I do disagree with a local economy collapse though. And I might add that the town of Richland court is pretty busy with fishing fines from first hand encounter. Quite frankly, can law enforcement keep an eye on everything? It would have to be a total police state to live in a "perfect world" (notice quotations) . look at the roads and highways... Everyone does an easy 10-15 mph over the limit while law enforcement turns a blind eye. I think that is a way better comparison than comparing snagging to rapists and murderers...(not trying to start a fight here)... I think the biggest problems the fishery faces is too many people crowding the river...
2014/11/13 09:44:17
I agree with everyone's concern that something has to be done about the blatant infractions that take place on the SR and other LO tributaries.  I don't agree with BTDT's suggestion that the LE salary should be commensurate with the number of summons issued.  We will be on dangerous ground if LE is allowed to be judge, jury and executioner in order to line their own pockets.  Difficult at best to modify behavior without destroying the golden goose.  Conversely, skilled fishermen who know how to properly pursue their quarry are choosing to stay away.  Unfortunately the catch and release areas (fly zones) have done little to curtail snagging or lifting.  The problem is endemic throughout the system with little hope of turnaround without the solution starting and ending with the individual.  

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