And why would the steelhead stocks crash? Past estimates of natural recruitment to the fishery for steelhead have been minimal. Whatever caused the decline last time seems to be under control, and there has been no talk of a different mix in stocking or a reduction in numbers. If for some reason it does happen, and is not part of a lakewide fishery collapse (a very real possibility when you stock so many predators dependent on one main food source over which you have no control; if you don't believe it could happen, look up recent events in Lake Huron) after a couple of seasons of P+M, the instant gratification, high numbers types will go back to the jetties or wherever they slunk out of to come to Pulaski, and the expectation of the remaining diehards will go back to what it probably should remain even in days of high numbers, a day with a fish is a good day.
And a lot of guys will switch to PA and Ohio and go stand on Chartist's shoulders.