When you say pole what type are you thinking . Spin, cast or fly ?
I just went through a bunch tonight and I'm eyeing my 30 plus year old st croix 8'6" 6-17# spin rod. It's limber enough to drift, strong enough cast plugs or spinners and plenty of backbone.
It was my dads rod , he and I have played many chrome then salmon on that tool.
I like it most because its light, strong, limber , versitle and short ( for a lakes rod )..
Most all other spin are 10' or 10' 6" in various weights, strengths from noodle to med- light .
Gotta say the 8'6" freels most comfortable .
I have 2 - 13 footers . 1 Spey and 1 fiberglass spin, they have caught fish but see little to no use. Dislike the length and control for myself.
Fly rods are all 9'6" or 10' . Thought about the 11' switch but at this stage , I'm not really needing another .