Fich I am admittedly terrible at see fish in the water.
The other day when our sightlining friend?
and Lucky were seeing fish on a regular basis I saw 1 for sure all day.
What I am pretty good at is spotting the tell tale dorsal peaking over the top and the wave ridges moving upriver a couple feet at a time.
On the water we fished I never saw that happening so that tells me there was enough for free movement.
As I said a bit more to make it harder for the lifter to spot them would have been nice.
As to the casting.
Once again I was able to fish a poly leader (with a 3/0 shot crimped on the loop knot some of the time) so overhead casting allowed for pretty tight loops and spey-rolls sailed like the Santa Maria. smoothly most of the time and crashing only rarely.
To each their own.
Good luck on your next sojourn.