2013/06/04 14:50:36
They should allow cast nets on Wilhelm for Shad only.  Easy as pie to catch hundreds of them in short order when they are schooling near the surface.  
Use 'em for fertilizer, pig feed, whatever, but get them outta the lake.  
2013/06/05 07:06:23
This may be a dumb question but hey I'm gonna ask anyway. Why doesn't the pfbc take the elctro shock gear out and start netting these shad and dumping them?  Seems like an easy enough fix, instead of waiting years and stocking minimal fish to make a difference.
2013/06/05 09:32:35
That would be to easy! Think about it! Government?
When the shad are spawning at Wilhelm. They are within 8 ft. of the shorelines splashing around. Net them or shock them, and get rid of  them then. Don't know what you do with them once you get them.  Farmers fields for fertilizer. Big hole dug somewhere to bury them. It would be quite a job because there seems like millions of them all around the lake when they are spawning. But maybe we could sure help with the shad problem. Maybe Fish Commission put fliers out  for volunteer help to save the lake. Maybe local sportsman clubs could help fish commision with volunteer labor also. I know the lake has gone down hill big time for panfish! I don't see much changing unless someone does something!
2013/06/05 10:13:38
Yeah, I agree lake has sure went down hill, I still give it a try though being that Pymie is 100 miles round trip for me. I usually hit Pymie to get some fish in the freezer then Wilhelm for some fun and to get the wife out on the water , she doesn't really like Pymie for the wind at times. I'll be 62 here soon and remember fishing Wilhelm when it first opened up, didn't have a boat then. A buddy of mine & my son would fish the causeway and have a ball catching everything from crappies to northerns. When I got a boat we always would catch fish use to go across from launch 3 and clean up on bluegills mainly back then & cappies down by the dam, did pretty good on walleye too, rememeber one morning we put in at the marina and from there down to launch 2 we trolled and my son got a 27" , 21" & 20 " walleye on the first pass guess those days are over for now anyhow. Sure hope I live long enough to see it come back or at least hope my grand kids can see it.
2013/06/05 12:01:27
I remember as a kid(born in 81), going to Wilheml with my dad and grandpa, they spent more time taking crappies outta the fish basket than fishing. The crappies were plentiful and a nice size. Hope to see those days again.
2013/06/06 12:08:18
Know what you mean Mopar. I used to hunt rabbits with a buddy I went to school with. We hunted the old creek bottom before the Lake was there. His sister is now my Sister-in-law. They owned a farm on Georgetown Rd. between causeway and New Vernon.  Used to fish Sandy Creek at different bridges up the creek bottom. Kind of miss those days!
2013/06/24 22:40:31
I do love Lake Wilhelm.  I am 30 years old and remember fishing there in the early to mid 90's.  The bluegill and crappie were huge.  I went there this past weekend and fished the shore near the dam.  Bluegills were hitting on my jitterbug.  They were of decent size.
I have a question that is a little off topic.  Does anybody know when the old Stuckey's closed off of the I-79 Greenville / Sandy Lake exit?  I know they tore it down a year or two ago.  I am pretty sure it was still open in the 90's as we got snacks and such there.
2013/06/25 10:30:35
It had been A LONG time since that has been there.  
2013/06/25 15:10:05
I'm camping at Vacationland this weekend.Not asking to be spoonfeed but any good areas to wade fish? Don't care what I catch just looking to wet a line,catch and release only.
2013/06/26 13:54:22
I sent you a personal message...Good luck!

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