2012/05/14 21:28:15
The problem with just dumping in fish, is that no two lakes are the same, while similar, there are differences. Hybrids could very well work, but then again they may upset the balance even more

2012/05/14 21:55:21
wade alexander
not really whats the difference between wilhelm,pymy, shenango... id say money and fish management
2012/05/14 23:36:12
If the Shad are at such high numbers the Stripers will have no effect on other species that is their number 1 target fish. Once again Shenango has mass schools of Shad but just maybe enough Stripers to hold them in check. I would say if Stripers didn"t exist on Shenango it would be just as bad as Wilhelm . I personally doubt those Shad numbers will drop in the next 10 years on their own. Shenango Stripers have been a blessing to us local fishermen. They are super awesome fighters on any tackle you use! They grow very rapidly and have not had any effect on other species. We catch and release about 99% of them but some people say they are good eating. I'll stick with Walleye.
2012/05/15 12:22:10
I hope you are right ready to fish. The shad in that lake is unreal it is loaded with shad 5 to 10 inches long...I did speak with Al Woomer with the pa Fish commission about the shad and the lack of weed growth, and what nobody has mentioned the water clarity. just 4 years ago you see down down 2 to 2.5 ft. the water clarity last summer was maybe 10 inches at best no sun light penetration in the water no more 5 to 6 ft deep weed lines
The number of Bass is down the last fish commission biologist report bears this out I think bass fry eat and compete for the same food as shad etc. plus the lack of weeds does not bode well for the survial of bass fry.

To make a long story short the gizzard shad have recked havoc on this lake and are the cause of no weeds, murky brown water,
and reduced fishing sucess this info is from a biologist which bears out our seat of the pants observations and comments
2012/05/15 13:08:04
I think the water clarity was also affected by the rapid increase in water temperatures last year.
2012/05/15 13:21:26
Now is the time! Stock some of these Shad killers now and end up with these a few years down the road!   
2012/05/15 20:31:08
I personally also think the Wilhelm weed growth and water clarity has also been impacted by local farming practices. Every stream or run-off surrounding the lake basically originates or runs through a local framer's fields. It can't be healthy for farming chemicals to run off into the lake.

I'm on the fence about introducing stripers. While I can see how they could lower the shad population, I'm not sure how they would affect the bass and other species populations. Although Shenango has a fair bass population, I'd rate Wilhelm as better in terms of numbers and quality, at least in previous years. I'm not sure if intorducing yet another fish competing for the same food is the answer. What has possibly worked in one lake may not necessarily work in another, but if the shad continue to explode, and no answer or solution is acheived, that intorduction may be a viable "chance" to take.

Bass are adaptable. Once it was thought that the inroduction of the round goby into Lake Erie would all but decimate the smallmouth population. They have adapted and now forage on the goby, maybe more so than Emerald Shiners, once a primary food source. I'm hoping the Wilhlem bass adapt and forage more heavily on the shad. Gizzard shad are a food source for bass on many lakes across the U.S.
2012/05/16 15:38:56
i agree with ya hook.put some hybrids in the lake .let em eat and the lake will come back to normal.once the shad are in there you gotta control em.what better way than stripers.
2012/05/16 17:30:59
Fished wilhelm today only landed 5 but the first was very nice 18.75 inches 3.55 lbs.
2012/05/16 23:26:45
This guy had one Shad for breakfast !
This guy had a dozen !

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