2012/04/13 11:44:34
Does anyone know if they still stock eyes in lake wilhelm. I have fished their for eyes and crappie for the past 4 years and over the past year year and a half the walleye fishing hasn't been nearly as good as in the past. However when caught the eyes are mid 20's range. Any Ideas on what's up with the lake?

2012/04/13 11:51:06
It gets both Fry & Fingerling.
2012/04/13 11:51:41
Yes they do...fingerling & fry this year.
Here's a link to prior stockings...prior years Wilhelm walleye stocking

Had pretty decent luck there last year myself...
seem to be good sized fish for sure. Heard of a 30"er caught last year.
I think they're fattening up on all the gizzard shad.
2012/04/13 11:59:32
Thanks for the heads up and stocking information. Maybe i'll try some new things this upcoming spring/summer. I typically troll thundercranks and worm harnesses with thunders catching the majority of the fish. I also jig twisters on windy days with decent success.
2012/04/13 12:14:16
troll more
2012/05/02 11:24:52
will be up wilhelm saturday, i'll give a report sunday sometime.
2012/05/02 13:40:04
The lake has gone to crap thanks to the almish and dutchman cleaning it out. Bass/Crappie fishing has gone down hill from what I noticed over the last 5 yrs. Lake use to be great. Stupid almish don't follow any regulations.
2012/05/02 16:26:12

ORIGINAL: coldfront

according to the pa. fish commission, it was the explosion of shad population that decimated the panfish population, not the amish.

Hey what ever you say. I read it and I agree something went wrong but next time your over there look in one of there buckets. Keeping a blue gill that 4 inches or even smaller doesnt help the cause.... Gamewardens are not to happy with them at Pymatuning either. I've talked to the wardens and they write numerous fines per year to the amish cause of them not following regulations....
2012/05/02 17:08:22

ORIGINAL: coldfront

not saying there isn't a problem with violations of laws and lack of ethics, but the primary reason for the decimation of the panfish population has been spelled out by the pfbc.

gills and crappies are quite prolific breeders and can overpopulate a lake in short order. it makes sense that an invasion of shad could be the main culprit here.

Sounds right to me. Kinda nice to know and dissapointing at the same time. Miss the lake how it previously was.
2012/05/02 20:01:55
Might as well post it...

The reason for the decline in size and abundance of the panfish is likely due to the introduction and expansion of gizzard shad in Lake Wilhelm. We do not know how they were introduced into Lake Wilhelm but it may have been from a bait bucket.

Since their introduction in 2004 the population has exploded and was the most abundant species caught in our trapnets. Gizzard shad consisted of 48% of the total fish captured in our trapnets. In 2004 only 4 gizzard shad were caught compared to 1,945 in 2010.

While gizzard shad can serve as an important diet component of larger predators such as largemouth bass, walleye and muskellunge, they also have negative ecological consequences on other species, especially panfish. Gizzard shad are known as “prolific spawners”, meaning they can spawn multiple times for several months producing up to 400,000 eggs and can easily over-populate a lake. Young gizzard shad often out-compete panfish species for food resources such as zooplankton, which can lead to reduced growth rates especially in bluegill and young crappie where food preferences overlap. Reduced growth rates in panfish mean fewer large high quality panfish for anglers.

The PFBC strongly encourages anglers not to release live bait into a lake when fishing to prevent the spread of undesirable or Aquatic Invasive Species.

As can be seen from this catch data, gizzard shad are adversely impacting the panfish fishery. The future is unclear for the recovery of the panfish fishery at this time. We are hopeful that increased predation and competition will reduce the overall aundance of gizzard shad over time and the panfish populations will improve but it is difficult to predict how long this might take. Experience in other lakes with gizzard shad indicate that crappie populations may recover and large crappies may actually use young of the year gizzard shad as forage. It remains to be seen if this can happen at Lake Wilhelm.


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