Well no pics again.
Remembered the camera but the batteries were dead.
Started high in the kingdom on a guest pass.
Fished till about 8:30 without any indication of a fish in the river.
Hit the road and went to what's been good for a couple weeks.
Two spin rod bouncers in the hole and a switchtard.
Fish on the first pass through my bucket.
After having the hook pull some much lately I made sure to drive it home several times.
What I forgot was the loop in my hand and as I hit him the 3 time he bolted and wrapped the butt.
Before I could even start to free it he broke the ten pound easily.
Second pass landed a hen about eight pounds.
Jumped five full out of the water leaps and spent the rest of the fight thrashing the surface.
One of the spin guys has landed two by now.
Why is it that they don't seem to fight as hard or excitedly on spin gear?
Rest my old bone while the fly guy worked the water.
Nother pass nother fish.
Male pushing ten that wanted to show his muscles.
Stayed in the water making four long runs but never more than boiling the surface.
Then the it was over.
Two more passes without a taker.
Fly guy though no takers.
Spin guys no takers.
The elderly gent that was there Tues no takers on the thingybob.
Pulled the plug a little after noon and went up to Malinda's to buy a few things and tell her and Bob I would probably not see them til next year.
Murtaugh has left the building.