2024/09/03 09:58:03
The camera is panning the shoreline way too fast. You do not have a chance to see any activity. I know this is a petty complaint, but I don't get out like I once did, so I enjoy watching people fishing and hooking up.
2024/09/05 09:27:49
Redneck Tourist
Yeah I don't like the new pattern on it either. It used to zoom in on the mouth of the creek and you could see the fish stacked up there, but now it just goes right past it to the shoreline. I'd rather see fish than fishermen.....I can see plenty of those around here.
2024/09/14 15:07:56
yep it sucks now for sure but still useful . 
2024/09/22 17:19:39
I checked the camera this morning and got lucky.
Check http://jackyork.co/ or more images and videos.

Attached Image(s)

2024/10/01 09:23:42
Who ever fixed the camera, Thank You very much. 

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