My youngest son (47)and 18 year old grandson and I spent a few days tying to find some calm unmolested, unchased, uncuck and ducked or un herded fish on the Sr.
It was so bad this year that while walking in -in the dark on two mornings guys with headlamps were chasing fish out of log jams while friends waited to snag above and below in the predawn twilight.
While trying to find a spot W/o chuckers and duckers, after the brief quick mid river spurt of night runners heading to cover, we did in fact have a couple of brief moments of success.
Shortly followed each day by guys -sometimes 2 or 3 abreast walking mid river right through your spot looking for fish to try and snag thus making our FISHING efforts futile.
Also saw guys walk close to the banks herding fish out for waiting friends throughout the day= as one group would leave and ya might think any fish aside from the belly or tail hooked now roped fish were calming a bit more dopes would show up.
Have seen it all before but- likely due to a lower than moderate 'run' -more people seemed to resort to drastic measures to GET THEIRS.
Watch the river cams and it shows- Fishermen are very few and far between.
Observations are partly because I can no longer 'walk any great distance or incline to get away from said crowds So have to be a bit closer to access points but mostly just a vast increase in anything goes style of fishing being VERY acceptable
Lower Zone where I could get was OK- but frankly not much better -looked like slow motion chucking and ducking.
Sorry about the ranting,
Fish- not like the old days-kinda just like last year -early push or two but no big runs ( as yet and its getting late now).
One late afternoon we checked out the bridge over the estuary ( despite written reports) no fisherpersons on the bridge or in boats- no jumping or signs of any schools of fish.
Lots of full stringers going out but - not here , years of c&r -and that kinda catching aint fishing anyhow..