2019/04/27 20:59:54
Got pymy to cough up a few this afternoon. 2 on the first drift.....then the wind got kind of fickle and let up quite a bit. Guess I should've went earlier when the wind was really pumping, but didn't feel like dealing with the crappie tournament. Sifted through a lot of cats to get the third one. Nice healthy fish for pymy.


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2019/04/27 22:53:33
 Nice ones C_S.
 Picked these up wading yesterday before heading home. Cold, windy & wet to say the least. I didn't last long with a busted up ankle lol.

2019/04/27 23:00:20
Nice haul crappie! Looks like you should've been in the tourney today.
2019/04/27 23:35:48
 I only bet on who has to do the cooking & dishes.
 Hope to head back later in the week to build a new porch & a little fishing. 
This was one branch that snapped in two taking the porch with it. I was in the middle(between) when it fell, purdy cool!Was gonna trim it last spring but a pair ov Wood Ducks took up home in it in May. So that's good, killing 2 byrds with one stone,
2019/05/01 19:20:48
80 degrees and the wind was pumping so I couldn't help but give it a shot at Walter again. When I pulled up to the boat launch my inner voice told me to just take the little 14 footer home, but the dog was looking at me like "we're going right?" I tried to tell her it would be a nightmare getting the boat back on the trailer, but her mind was made up. Fought our way through the extra heavy chop and finally got to where I wanted to be. I don't say it often, but the wind was just too much today. Made a few drifts that took literally a few minutes each, then decided it was in vain. Drifted another area that was slightly calmer since I was already out there and trying to put the boat back on the trailer was not an option at that point. No luck. It finally let up a hare and I made a run for the launch, but was a total pain trying to keep the boat on the trailer with the cross wind. Got wet up to my azz, but managed to get it loaded. Dann dog and her boat rides 😀😀😀
2019/05/01 20:01:25
 Will be out in the morning, wind 4 mph, low tonight 56*. I'm soaked also, cut grass to get crawlers tonight.
2019/05/01 20:23:23
Good luck crappie!
2019/05/01 23:06:36
 Thanks, I'll need it!
Hope the fishin' is as good as the crawler pickin' was. Three dozen in 10 min. was enough. Soaked again...
Ain't even gonna use 'em, fishing for Crappie again.Back on canoe with youngest son this time.
 Good Luck next time out C_S.
2019/05/02 19:42:26
Nice catchin Crappie. 👍 I'd be most happy to lend a hand cleanin up your storm damage but my chain saw, is buried waaaaaay back deep somewhere in a storage unit.

Quite a crowd fishin 'round the 285 underpass bout 3:30ish today so I said the heck with that noise, and went and enjoyed me a samidge with fresh cut fries at "Lil Bit's".... followed by a nap.😴😴😴 ummm, after I got home. 😊

If yinz was there and heard somebody trying to keep from choking, that was me trying to regain my breath while inhaling, after dumping toooo much "Malt Vinegar" on my fries.

Dad-burned good batch of vinegar to say the least. Fries were even better.🍻

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