Nice catchin Crappie. 👍 I'd be most happy to lend a hand cleanin up your storm damage but my chain saw, is buried waaaaaay back deep somewhere in a storage unit.
Quite a crowd fishin 'round the 285 underpass bout 3:30ish today so I said the heck with that noise, and went and enjoyed me a samidge with fresh cut fries at "Lil Bit's".... followed by a nap.😴😴😴 ummm, after I got home. 😊
If yinz was there and heard somebody trying to keep from choking, that was me trying to regain my breath while inhaling, after dumping toooo much "Malt Vinegar" on my fries.
Dad-burned good batch of vinegar to say the least. Fries were even better.🍻