I know one thing, next time I ain't forgetting the foam canoe seats!! Left 'em on the back patio & din't wanna go back when got to the lake. My butt is soo sore today from the aluminium tube supports. Asked my brother what in Gods name are we doing in this thing when we have nice comfortable boats in the driveway?
Seem too always do good from the canoes though, since I slow down & don't jump from spot too spot = more time actually fishing than heading to different parts ov the lake.
Glad you had a good time Ice Nut. I might need ice on my buttt!
Another thing, Had 8 rods ready for panfish, decided on the one with a broken tip since it had my favorite jig already tied on. Didn't want to take a extra rod for room purposes. First Crappie hooked the thing broke where the two connect. It was funny when the rod would fly off with the cast, barely connected on a angle while fish on or totally submerged reeling fish in