Yep, these creeps are using Google to view property's then go for a reassessment unlike Crawford County, who said screw it and just raised the taxes for everybody. Most by 150% or more.
Where are you getting your information? I own property at the northern end of the lake. Our taxes have barely changed much at all. Even the article above mentions the last time an increase occurred:
As the budget currently stands, Crawford County will see a three mill raise in the real estate tax in 2019, and a one-tenth of a mill jump in the county library tax. One mill equals $1 for every $1,000 in a property’s assessed value.
The increase is the first major climb in the county’s taxes in several years. Outside of a quarter-of-a-mill increase in 2016,
the county’s taxes haven’t gone up since 2011.Commissioner Chairman Francis Weiderspahn said that the county has been able to forestall any tax increases by using reserve money to cover increasing costs. However, that reserve is starting to run low, according to Soff.
The real estate tax is the county’s primary source of income, according to Weiderspahn.
Meanwhile, the library tax is set to receive its first raise in 32 years under the budget. The increase was requested by the Crawford County Federated Library System in May. According to Benson Memorial Library Executive Director Justin Hoenke, the current library tax amounts to roughly $9 per person per year, and the increase will tack on about $3 extra to that mount.
As you can see taxes haven't been majorly raised in 8 years. Now, if you put in for a permit to say put on a roof or add a structure . That would trigger a reassessment and you could see a hefty increase. There was no across the board tax increase in Crawford county that raised taxes by 150%. Even the proposed increase would only raise taxes by approx $150 a year on a property with an assessed value of $50,000. So again, there was no major real estate tax increase in Crawford county and there hasn't been in a number of years. A new one is on the way, but the exact millage has yet to be determined. But the jump won't be much considering most properties are assessed very low. Take a look at Crawford counties website and check the GIS mapping. If you look at an area north of causeway around the Tuttle area or south of causeway say around Shaker Rd, you will be hard pressed to find a property that has an assessed value over $20,000. There are houses that last sold for close to $100k and are assessed at $18k. Most are in the 10k to 15k range. If you do the math , a modest increase dollar wise is in the future. But somebody paying $700 a year now is not going be paying $1,750 (150%) increase.