2017/10/30 22:01:27
Bagged this morning due to the wind. Thought I'd get wet this afternoon but went anyways. Luckily the rain broke up this afternoon for my area in 2b. Got in a little early to try and find a better spot around the point on the ridge more sheltered from the wind. Walked by over a dozen scrapes on the trails and switchbacks. Good sign. Find an area that is starting to look good and well, another hunter thought so too as I see him up in his stand about 60 yes out. I back out as quietly as I can and go back to the area near where I got the film of the buck above. I set up lower on the hillside to try and stay out of the wind. As I am climbing I look up the hill to see a doe watching me climb. Oh well. In the tree 30 min. And a 4 pt is moving above me on the hill but only 30 yds away. He was actually above me and picked me off but after a 5 min stare down and me getting video, he starts up the trail and ambles off not spooked. 30 min. Later, two doe come out and one comes right below me. The other is 20 yds away. After 10 min. The wind swirls and they boogie. Just before dark, a doe comes running underneath me and stops. I get ready, just in case, but nothing. A min. Goes by and I hear grunting way up top. Finally, a decent buck on a mission comes down the upper trail grunting and seeking. He never did see the doe by me and went out the ridge. Never could see exactly what he was but it was a rack about ear width, and probably not a shooter. As I am trying to shoo the doe away a little later as it is now past shooting light, the buck comes back but comes from down wind and moves on off back up the hill. Good to see movement tonight...
2017/10/30 22:13:54
Seeing same deer STILL but glad to hear the stories are getting more interesting for others.Hunting next 2 days WORKCANWAIT!!!
Got a  nightime vid of nice 10 pt this week so motivated.
2017/10/31 02:03:00
Big Tuna
Had a decent hunt in Ohio tonight. Bad news is we where a little late getting there and it cost me. At 4:30 what may have been a shooter 8 pt stood 15 yards in front of my blind. He had some height to his rack but not more than 15"wide. About 6:15 I got covered in female deer. I couldn't get out of my blind. My son got worried about me and eventually spooked them about 20 minutes past shooting time.. He saw 3  does and had a small 6 pt at last light. It's getting better....... Till the next time.
2017/10/31 07:43:31
Was going to be out there this AM but I need to go to an 8 am meeting with the boss so, tomorrow will be my next opportunity.  Get out there men, now is the time.
2017/10/31 12:19:02
Sure was a grand start to a beautiful day, until the clouds and gusty winds rolled in.  Was greeted by calls of the Sand Hill Cranes as I stepped onto my favorite deer stand then treated to a huge show of starlings as they flew in a large cloud like flock, from ground to tree tops and back to ground again.  Brought back memories of trailer-trucking the green stamp, through the farmlands of the Buckeye where one could see for miles, flocks of birds, like ribbons of smoke curving miles across the sky.  That in turn, brought back some fantastic memories, seeing huge heavy rack bucks roaming the hills and valleys of Ohio. My-Oh-My some of those elusive whitetails would give an old guy, buck fever.
Made my rounds, stopping specifically to check two scrapes for any activity.  To my delight, the scrapes continue to be worked and now, each have an established licking branch.  I do wonder, the scrapes are within 20 yards of each other, same deer?  No matter I guess, just nice to see the ground being worked and each having a branch now in use.  I remembered also, being told, a few drops of bottled doe pee on a scrape will keep the buck returning, looking for a hot doe.  Needless to say, I don't have doe pee but, I sure had to go and, enough for both spots.  Should have placed a field cam on video at each spot to see the reaction of the buck when he gets a whiff of that.  I'm thinking there should be holes dug under the branches, when I get back.  Hell ya just never know if ya don't try!!!
Now I must go, time for my meds.....  'tupid cabin fever!!
Good luck fellas, hunt safely and remember, it's about the hunt.
2017/10/31 13:44:54
BTDT... enjoyed playback of your memories of the farmlands of Buckeye ...Had things to do this morning but I did get out to check my cameras at 11:30 had same 2 shooters and the 4 pt on camera ...4pt only one in daylight though. ... man was it windy too , 37 also even was sleeting heck had to chase my hat down the path after a gust of wind blew it off my head ... so no hunt tonight for me maybe iā€™m Just getting old šŸ˜œšŸ‘. Good luck guys !


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2017/10/31 16:47:40
Well, this morning started off the same as yesterday afternoon minus the rain. Winds still a gusting and not seeing any action I stood up to stretch for a few just after 9. Standing there contemplating whether to stick it out for a while or climb down to move to another stand 3 doe came ripping in. Stood there and waited for a buck to come in after them, but he never showed. The 3 worked to within 30yds of me and as they seemed to get a little sketchy being downwind of me now I decided to arrow one. Whether straight up poor shooting on my part, effects from the strong winds, or some combination of both I was not happy with myself when I saw how far back I hit. To my pleasant surprise though she trotted maybe 20yds and then fell over on the spot. Made for an easy track job. Upon inspection while gutting her the NAP killzone absolutely annihilated her liver. Gave a short thanks for the gift and another great morning in the woods, then it was off to get her skinned and quarterd. Back at it tomorrow with focus on finding a nice buck. At least the wind will be less and I can get to a spot I've been wanting to hunt with the climber. Good luck all.
2017/10/31 17:47:46
Good story .... congrats Crappie šŸ‘ kinda had same thing happen a few years ago , windy & jerked the shot but different result ... I totally missed the doe šŸ˜œšŸ‘
2017/10/31 20:18:51
Had high hopes for my son to get a buck tonight. Skies cleared up, light NNW wind, high pressure.

Ended up seeing 4 bucks, but all pretty small and not up to his standards. One small spike harassing bald deer. Three separate ones all alone. No shots at em anyway.

Not even as many bald deer on the move asI thought we'd see.
2017/10/31 20:55:09
Big Tuna
Congrats CS. I want to take doe but I waited to long,it's show time now,and that big old doe might bring me a buck.lol

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