So it quit raining and I took advantage of the situation to run (well not run but moved really really old guy fast) to the mailbox. Did some thinking during my trip about eyes, tuna and the other guys who have lost a pet, as I watched my 2 Bumpus hounds, run to the end of the 300' drive. What would I do if I lost these two I wondered when I noticed their behavior was now guarded. Both at point as if they are looking at the biggest bird they ever saw. Except it's dark so I know they're smelling and not likely seeing what has their attention. Now at the mailbox, dogs still at attention (only happens when I hold treats) I play the pocket LED light across the road, following the shoulder to my left where two reflectors return my light. Except there is no reflectors in that area only two, very large eyeballs, attached to a very large body. Not a good time to be using a dink light, I'm thinking so I grabbed the mail and, called for the hounds to return to the house. Of course, they didn't and wouldn't. All I need now, is for these two meatheads to see this animal and it's all over but the shouting and possible vet bills. Adding to the drama, the rains came and a once gusty swirling wind has changed to a straight line tree bending blow, right into the nostrils of now snarling Jack and Jerk, the off dogs.
More commands to return to the house fell on deaf ears and now two vehicles are coming down the road adding fear the hounds would dart, onto the road in persuit of this creature on the otherside.
Hoping the drivers would see and slow down, I began waving my poor excuse for a flashlight. Nope, both flew by probably thinking I was a dutchman walking the road but their headlights did reveal, the neighbors black angus calf, feeding on the shoulder of the road.
Last I saw my neighbor, he was chasing the calf back through the wooded area bordering his pasture.
Last I saw of the Bumpus hounds, they were safely nestled in their kennels with visions of doggy biscuits dancing in their heads.
Ya just gotta Luv em.